Any Jeff Rowland owners?

Welcome to AS, HongKong! Former Rowland owner here for about 15 years. Love his gear!
I am still using my Consummate preamp with phono along with a model 5 power amp. I find it to be a musical amp as well in that I can listen for hours with no fatigue. I use it as my main amp during the summer and for home theatre. In the winter and for more critical listening I switch to my Ray Lumley M-100 tube mono blocks with KT-120's as they seem to work a little better with my Acoustat 2+2.

I haven't tried newer JRDG gear so I do not know how it would compare. Apart from my Oppo BDP-95 my system is mostly vintage components. I can probably do better but I think I am at a point where I can just enjoy the music now. Though I still get the upgraditis bug every once in a while. There is a pair of Classe DR-9's that are tempting me and I wouldn't mind trying an Esoteric K* player as well.
I have the first version, not the second.
I don't know if there is many differencies between them ?
Why ?
From what I've been told the 625 V2 includes many changes, mostly in the power supply section incorporating some of the 725's design. It is supposed to be a significant upgrade but at a correspondingly higher price. The factory was considering offering upgrades to the original model, but they were expected to be very costly and the end result would still not be completely the same as a new 625 V2.
eAll, here is a list of at least some of the circuit enhancements on M625 S2.... As you can see, there is more on the new version than a power supply enhancement, or even the simple incorporation of M725 solutions:

Perhaps the most important... There are crucial enhancements on the circuit topology. Modifications reduce distortions to negligible levels from 2KHz up to beyond 20Khz. This alone, should yield incredibly sweet sound. This is done through new error correction techniques not known to have been ever used on amp designs.

The input section has been enhanced... There is a new custom designed input transformer and linear phase low pass filter for improved input signal buffering and EMI immunity.

Gold plated Cardas XLR input connectors with Rhodium contacts and teflon insulation is said to yield even better signal integrity than the original... Yes, also looks different from connectors on older version.

Boards have been changed... S2 uses ceramic Rogers circuit board material for reduced dielectric energy storage... Yep, this one is like the boards used on M725, M825, and M925.

And Yes, as other mentioned, the power supply section has changed as well... Power Factor Corrected regulated Power supply improves upon the original 625 by incorporating Jensen four-pole capacitors which offers nearly an order of magnitude
reduction of output impedance and noise suppression. Yep, this one too is something that is used on M725, M825, and M925.

Last but not least, there is more power... The power supply output voltage has been increased slightly to yield a 25 watt increase in total amplifier power output. So, 325W/8.

The list price of S2 has not changed from the original version.... I have checked with the factory: M625 S2 lists still at $15,900.

Regards, Guido
Guido - Thanks for all of the details on the 625 S2! When I contacted the factory several months ago after first hearing of the S2 revision, I was told that if they offered the upgrade to older models it would probably be in the $7K range and still would not have all of the changes that are in an actual 625 S2 amp. I greatly appreciate the updated info that you are providing.
Hi Audio-Bill, yes you are right... Looking at the scope of changes, seems to me that an upgrade might affect almost all internals.... E.G. The switch to ceramic boards by itself means that all original board-based circuits would have to be swapped out for the new ceramic-boarded ones.

Sale of an original version M625 followed by purchase of a new S2 unit might be more functionally and financially advantageous than a necessirily partial in-chassis upgrade.

I thought the new Rowland Super Integrated was one of the best new products at RMAF this month.

I also thought the Rowland amp (525?) that was in the Vapor room sounded splendid.
Hi Mike, long time no talk!

I was not able to attend RMAF this year... But all comments I have gathered this far concur with your statement about Daemon, and the Vapor room after the insertion of the new class A/B Rowland.... M625 S2 stereo.

The M525 is instead a half-chassis class D bridgeable amp listed at $4.5K. It was not used in the Vapor room.

Saluti, G.
Hi Mike, long time no talk!

I was not able to attend RMAF this year... But all comments I have gathered this far concur with your statement about Daemon, and the Vapor room after the insertion of the new class A/B Rowland.... M625 S2 stereo.

The M525 is instead a half-chassis class D bridgeable amp listed at $4.5K. It was not used in the Vapor room.

Saluti, G.

I missed you this year! We always have such fun hanging out at RMAF. Hopefully you can make it next year. Thanks for clarifying that the Rowland was the M625 S2. That was a GREAT sounding amp. Real sweet and musical. The Daemon would be my dream integrated. I heard it paired with the YG speakers on the first day and it was the best room I heard that day for sure. When I went back Saturday and Sunday, the music selections weren't great, so it was hard to tell. But day one, it was sounding sublime.
Hi Mike, based on reports this far, Daemon would be my dream integrated as well.

According to Lucien and Jeff, the equipment in the Rowland room sounded even better on Saturday and Sunday... But the selection of music makes all the difference... Whenever music played are not our cup of tea, all is for naught, isn't it.

If all goes well I'll be able to attend next year... Would love to catch up! As usual, I'll bring along my trusty test CD.... Same old selections I have been using for the last 8 years... This time around I'll also make a copy on a USB stick.

Saluti, Guido
When I heard the Rowland/YG room sounding it's best was when they played vinyl on the Bergman table. It was really outstanding.

Jeff was noticeably very pleased with his latest efforts and they were sounding splendid. That 625 mk2 was really really impressive.

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I have obtained confirmation from the factory today that the price of M625 S2 has not increased since the original version. List remains $15,900 USD.

Saluti, G.

I'm currently auditioning the M525 at home (Belgium). What do you think of the M525 compared to the M625 S2, which is unfortunately out of my budget , especially in Europe (about 20,000 Euros), and the M125?
