Glad to hear the T+A amp is settling in nicely, Randy. It’s been a great watching your journey (in your other thread). Keep the updates coming!

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Hey Marty,

I have not yet. I was going to be putting together an ad in the next couple days.

It is a really great amp, and absolutely amazing if someone is looking for a compact top quality German built amplifier.

My problem is I just got the SET amps that I am enthralled with. I also got the classic McIntosh that looks and sounds like the day it rolled out of the factory (and being from Binghamton this has to stay in my system). I just don't think I need a third amplifier at this time. This makes the newest and arguably the better of the three as the odd man out.
Today we are going to be hosting family for our Christmas get together. I have been listening to the SET amp comparing some NOS tubes I recently picked up. Enjoying the heck out of it.

However, since I do not like all of the tubes up there playing away, all day, without watching over them at least for the most part, I decided to hook the T+A amplifier back up. I forgot what a wonderful sounding amplifier this truly is. Full rich, cool running; perfect for this type of use.

I have had this amplifier on the market for a little bit thinking do I really need three amplifiers (well four if you count the mono blocks :)). I believed that I could always hook up the McIntosh if I wanted to give some Solid State lovin... and yes I could, but I keep the McIntosh more or less as a showpiece because it is in Museum quality shape and it holds a soft spot in my heart reminding me of my hometown. But this T+A is really good... so now I have a dilemma again. Do I sell it or hang on to it for these types of situations? :D Definitely a first world problem... right now I am thinking if someone wanted it I would probably sell it, but by the end of the day I maybe will not :)....
So I hooked up the Amp 8 today. What a great sounding amp! I have a decision to make. I have to sell one of my amps to help finance the new laptops my wife wanted. Falcon Northwest laptops are not cheap :). So either the T+A or the SET need to be sold. It seems people simply do not understand how fantastic T+A is here in the States :)...

The Audio Mirrors coming off The Absolute Sound rave review might be easier to sell... I could live with either, the T+A or the SET mono blocks.

Going to give it a few days to decide... I guess we will see how it goes.
The Falcons are true desktop replacements; desktop CPU and GPU, etc. Coming in at over $3k... each...

A very good machine like an Alienware or Republic of Gamers can be had under $2k. But with Falcon you get something pretty special :).
Since I recently sold the McIntosh amp the T+A is staying put as my SS backup for the SET mono blocks. I decided to hook it up today to see how it matches up with the Stage 2 pre. What a wonderful sounding amplifier. People who avoid this amp because of its size are simply missing out.

This is definitely one of the best sounding amplifiers I have owned... period!
T + A makes great gear. I’m sure it’s even better with the stage 2.
Yes Joe, it is fantastic. T+A is very impressive gear! Very happy where I am at. The SET amps for when I want some toobs... and the great T+A, which might become my main stay amp... so so good with the Stage 2!
The T+A definitely won out. So much so that I sold the Audio Mirrors. The more I listen the more I did not want to listen to the tubes. The T+A is amazing sounding amp and the bottom end was sooo much better then the Tubes.... incredible sound stage and very inviting sounding, very musical in every way... all in all, after I finally got over the feeling that it can't be great because it is small, I have came to realize that this may very well be the best sounding amplifier I have ever owned! Such an amazing little amplifier!
I hosted our audio club meeting last weekend. This steller little amp played all day, at fairly high levels. The audio club guys definitely like to get a little volume behind things. It was an absolute champ all day. Never once did I detect any kind of clipping no matter how hard they pushed it.

The club came away impressed with the wonderful T+A gear. Our one member who writes for Stereophile was very impressed. He stated that the synergy between the Stage 2 and the T+A was amazing. He had wrote a review of the DAC a while back but never had heard the amp before. He stated that he was shocked at how good it is!

At this point I can definitely state that the T+A Amp 8 is the finest amplifier I have ever owned. Unless I can ever afford an amp at many times the price I simply cannot imagine finding a better sounding amplifier! I am very happy I stuck it out with the T+A until it was fully broken in. It accomplished something that I had thought would not be possible; it won out over the SET mono amplifiers!