ad free / subscription version of audioshark?

wow -- ok, i am in !!

that being said, my primary motivation for the OP was site performance. i certainly did not intend to start anything that would end up making the administration of the site more complex or difficult ...nor, something that goes against a vision for free access to the community.

Oh my, you certainly didn’t. This has been requested by several people - privately. I didn’t want to start having a fee because I like free! I also don’t want gigantic industry ads either. Not because of the ads themselves, but because of past experiences. “So and so said our amp was not good! Take down that post and ban him!”

I prefer to see ads for new dishwashers. Speaking of which....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
No ads with Chrome.

Some ads appear in a right-hand column on Safari, but no large ones and none at the top of the page.

When I log in, this is what I see. Not sure why you are still getting a giant ad at the top. Is this recent?

Same here. No ads.
i fully realize the importance of ad revenue in supporting this site...

however, given the plethora of ads now populating every crease and crevice of causing poor site performance and injecting all sorts of cookies, data, trackers, etc, it seems logical / desirable to at least pose the question of having some type subscription membership which would be ad free.

i would certainly be willing to pay a subscription fee to use the site ad free. curious if others would as well?

btw and off topic: i thought politics were frowned upon here (see attachments) ;)

That is too funny. :D

* Right now, on my end here, @ the right, I have an add about a bank recently that had an employee stealing money from few hundreds customers! It's a Canadian add because I've read the article recently on Google internet. So what's funny too; Google makes sure to give us the best add to help people in distress...that bank, that guy you have in your add above, ...

It's all Google, nothing to do with the Shark lounge, or our gentle host Mike.

Personally I'm not an Audio dealer just an Audio nuts. It's for the love of music ...
It's for the fun of exchanging life online with other nuts and the music we love.
No subscription needed for that. That's me.

But, if I was an Audio dealer and making in the six figures and above a year in sales I would put adds of the products that have the best financial profit margin for me. And of course they'd have to pay beaucoup much on my hiend audio's just normal (same with Google choosing their target adds for each one of us). Nothing is free in this country...just ask Mike.

I enjoy the place for the people and the music they/we love. The rest is strictly business as usual.
I'm all good, adds or no adds. Because music matters first.

But that's just too funny to have an add of Donald Duck. :D Good one!
I never had one of those...yet. Thx for sharing, I had a good laugh this morning.
Just signed in with Google - no ads of any kind, same as Firefox, & Chrome...

Only Safari has ads - but only in the far right column.
I would say that for 15-20 $ a year i would also be in for that. As i also know there are cost with running a site like this.

Yes it costs money to run a site like this, nothing's free.
1. Or adds pay for part of the expenses (it can cost $1,000 a month).
2. Or members pay a subscription, plus donations, a fee to relax the expenses add-free, and the site is run cooperatively.
3. Or the site owner is rich. :D
I never see any kind of ads.

I do use Firefox. Will try Chrome & Safari now to see what happens.

Same here, the adds appear on the right...vertically. Right now, various Canadian banks because I read financial news in my country. That's with Chrome. I could use a dozen different browsers if I wanted too, and I can also use a dozen different free addblocker apps.
I can also contribute financially to the Shark site...say couple hundred bucks a year so that Mike can use the best version with dark mode, all the stuff polished to the max for the most attractive visually audio site in the world. ...With free music samples.

The sky's the limit ...