Puma Cat
Well-known member
Yes, IIRC, stacking the top Advent upside down creates something analagous to a D'Apollito array.If you decide to get nostalgic and resurrect them, remember to stack the top speaker upside down.
Yes, IIRC, stacking the top Advent upside down creates something analagous to a D'Apollito array.If you decide to get nostalgic and resurrect them, remember to stack the top speaker upside down.
For sure. Might have to bust out the Sansui AU-717 too if I do it.If you decide to get nostalgic and resurrect them, remember to stack the top speaker upside down.
Yes, They stole all of my audio and photo equipment except for a McIntosh MA6100. They really did not know what they were stealing. I took the insurance check, added a bunch of cash and went shopping.Damn, did they steal all your electronics also?
Acoustic Research AR9
Aerial 10T, 20T
Wilson Watt Puppy 7
Revel Salon 2
The stacked Advents were a bigger sound than we were used to back in the day but a bit fuzzy and wooly. No comparison to even some of today's entry level speakers in terms of resolution and transparency. I remember the last time I got out one of my pairs and hooked them up to an old receiver...my wife just looked at me and shook her head 'no', LOL.My first speakers were a 12" 3-way that said Centrex by Pioneer. Very cheap for a poor teenager and then bigger was better, right. I had those for a long time until moving to a Pioneer HPM 60 which I ended up blowing the woofers with a Kenwood KA3300d that was a higher quality amp than their consumer stuff. The D series was sort of a statement for Kenwood, I think it may have been the first amp with a built-in DAC. This was very early 90's before that was a thing. And I don't think that ever caught on until much later.
Those who have had stacked Advents how would that set up compare to speakers today or what level of speaker? A recent friend has those but I haven't heard them and he is wanting me to help him with his system. Some info on the Advents would help to know where I should have him start. I'm pretty sure source he just has a cheap turntable.
Rob,I guess we are simply listing our past speaker systems?
Dynaco A25
Large Advents > Stacked Large Advents
Gale 401
Acoustat X > Acoustat Model 3 > Acoustat Model 4 > Acoustat 2+2's (with modified Servo-Charge amps)
NHT 3.3
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Daedalus Ulysses v.2
Daedalus Apollo 11 v.2
Several of mine also fall into that categoryRob,
From the OP with emphasis added: "Thinking back, what have been some of your most memorable speakers (excluding current production):"
So it is not everything we have owned. Although for me, I did not change speakers often in the early days and some of my speakers were memorable and historically significant.