Thinking back…

Jamo compact 70
Tannoy (two times dual concentric, cannot remember the models)
B&W 703
Focal Electra 1037Be (with upgraded xover)
Magico V3 (first speaker I really enjoyed, owned them over 10 years)
YG Acoustics Hailey 1.2 (my favorite speaker)
Damn, did they steal all your electronics also?
Yes, They stole all of my audio and photo equipment except for a McIntosh MA6100. They really did not know what they were stealing. I took the insurance check, added a bunch of cash and went shopping. :) Sometimes a boot to the butt is a good thing. The manager of my local store joked he ordered the hit. Otherwise I was never going to give up the DQ10s. He sold me my Apogee Stages, matching stands, and other components.
4 Pioneer CS-901s in a surround system
Bose 501s
Bose 901s
AR 2πx ,3πx, or 4 π x. Don't remember.
DBX Soundfield
Martin Logan Aerius
Wilson WP8
My first speakers were a 12" 3-way that said Centrex by Pioneer. Very cheap for a poor teenager and then bigger was better, right. I had those for a long time until moving to a Pioneer HPM 60 which I ended up blowing the woofers with a Kenwood KA3300d that was a higher quality amp than their consumer stuff. The D series was sort of a statement for Kenwood, I think it may have been the first amp with a built-in DAC. This was very early 90's before that was a thing. And I don't think that ever caught on until much later.

Those who have had stacked Advents how would that set up compare to speakers today or what level of speaker? A recent friend has those but I haven't heard them and he is wanting me to help him with his system. Some info on the Advents would help to know where I should have him start. I'm pretty sure source he just has a cheap turntable.
My first speakers were a 12" 3-way that said Centrex by Pioneer. Very cheap for a poor teenager and then bigger was better, right. I had those for a long time until moving to a Pioneer HPM 60 which I ended up blowing the woofers with a Kenwood KA3300d that was a higher quality amp than their consumer stuff. The D series was sort of a statement for Kenwood, I think it may have been the first amp with a built-in DAC. This was very early 90's before that was a thing. And I don't think that ever caught on until much later.

Those who have had stacked Advents how would that set up compare to speakers today or what level of speaker? A recent friend has those but I haven't heard them and he is wanting me to help him with his system. Some info on the Advents would help to know where I should have him start. I'm pretty sure source he just has a cheap turntable.
The stacked Advents were a bigger sound than we were used to back in the day but a bit fuzzy and wooly. No comparison to even some of today's entry level speakers in terms of resolution and transparency. I remember the last time I got out one of my pairs and hooked them up to an old wife just looked at me and shook her head 'no', LOL.
Something like a used pair or B&W 600 series or Focal Chorus would probably work better for your friend. But hey, hook them up and take a listen.
Mr. Peabody,
It has been too many years and too many miles for me to compare what I liked then with my current expectations. I can tell you I replaced the stacked Advents with Dahlquist DQ10s. That was already a move up back then.

Remember, most people with Advents, stacked or single, were using them with modest-priced receivers. Nothing with the clarity and detail capability of today's separates.

Advents are old enough to need some TLC like replacing the surrounds. I had to replace mine. My "fried-egg" tweeters were fine but many had to be replaced.

I think any money is better spent on current or recent production products.
My first set: q-acoustics 1020 speakers, an Onkyo amp and as source a second hand Marantz SACD player

Even that time I realized that cables and power filters did do well with the sound, I already used a Kemp power filter, a supra mains block, 2 thick biwired cables thought also supra and between my cd player and amp I used vd Hul interlinks.

Had this set for more then 10 years, and I was very happy with this. The speakers where low budget, everything was in good balance. It did miss a bit in the low, but the highs and mids where really a good value for the money.
I've probably posted this on every hifi forum i'm on, but my favorite system was the Bose 901vI driven by my realistic STA235b receiver before an audiophile neighbor came over and ruined my appreciation of spontaneous music forever.

My list of speakers, amps, integrateds, cd players, dacs and cables is embarrassingly long since then yet my appreciation for the music, well lets just say, had I never met that audiophile I'd likely still be rocking those 901's while paying for my own kids college instead of someone else's.
I guess we are simply listing our past speaker systems?

Dynaco A25
Large Advents > Stacked Large Advents
Gale 401
Acoustat X > Acoustat Model 3 > Acoustat Model 4 > Acoustat 2+2's (with modified Servo-Charge amps)
NHT 3.3
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Daedalus Ulysses v.2
Daedalus Apollo 11 v.2
I guess we are simply listing our past speaker systems?

Dynaco A25
Large Advents > Stacked Large Advents
Gale 401
Acoustat X > Acoustat Model 3 > Acoustat Model 4 > Acoustat 2+2's (with modified Servo-Charge amps)
NHT 3.3
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Daedalus Ulysses v.2
Daedalus Apollo 11 v.2
From the OP with emphasis added: "Thinking back, what have been some of your most memorable speakers (excluding current production):"

So it is not everything we have owned. Although for me, I did not change speakers often in the early days and some of my speakers were memorable and historically significant.
From the OP with emphasis added: "Thinking back, what have been some of your most memorable speakers (excluding current production):"

So it is not everything we have owned. Although for me, I did not change speakers often in the early days and some of my speakers were memorable and historically significant.
Several of mine also fall into that category ;). I know what the OP says, but many of the posts appear to simply list all previous speakers owned (although I could be wrong, of courtse).
Still occasionally think back on hearing a system in a dedicated room for the first time. It was B&W 800 Diamonds. Hook, line, and sinker into this game.
Around that same time, I heard the then-current McIntosh big speakers and was confused how stereo speakers could image sound behind me. Still haven't really encountered that since.

I seem to love the Danish tilt on sound. Dynaudio standmounts, and Borressen's were/are very fun. Same with the TAD's.