Yeah..what he said...
Oh Doug...this is a I have been on...LOL
First, the phono stage will be dependent of if you are going MM or MC cart (MC carts are a bit pricier but to me and many others have the best sound).
MM phone stages are easy. If your pre-amp or receiver doesn't have one built in, then I could point you to ones that go from $40 to $100's. And believe me when I say the $40 is no slouch.
The ARC's mentioned above are MM phono stages and DAMN offense to the offer (really) but I would never pay what they get for those in a MM stage unless it supported MC also
MC carts - Much harder. I tend to stay away from tube versions because unless they are very expensive and possibly hybrids, they can color your sound more than solid state. NOT something I think you want.
Now here is the challenge. You can get MC phono stage for about $70 or $1000's ...and its really a synchronicity to your system and tastes. I have had better success with MC phono Stages in the $100 range than the $500 range. I have not gone beyond that so I can't honestly say.
Can I make a suggestion ? This is your first foray into this? Get the table you want and get a really nice MM cart. That makes the phono stage so much easier. If down the road you wish to MC carts, then you can shop for them and phono stages for MC carts then. Sort of like this analogy. You are buying your very first car. Do you invest heavily up front and buy that Ferrari or do you maybe start with a BMW M3 first get your feet wet...LOL