Wanted: SoundStage! Ultra Writer

Jeff Fritz

New member
Nov 1, 2014
Howdy guys,

Looking for a US-based audio reviewer. Must be honest, reliable with professional references, and able to leap tall buildings. OK, not the last part, but MUST have professional writing credentials. Reviews of such products as cables, power conditioners, preamplifiers, a must.

Send inquiries and writing samples to [email protected]

Thanks a bunch,

Great to see you expanding SoundStage Jeff. Good luck with the search.
Hey guys, in addition to looking for a new writer, we are adding new features to SoundStage! Ultra.

Feature Articles

See the menu at the top of SoundStage! Ultra, click Reference Systems, then my name. That will take you to the main system article link—that link will take you to an article all about the sound of my reference system complete with photos of that system. In addition, there will be individual links for each component in the system. Click each one individually and go to a mini article on each product. There will be ample photos of the entire system in the main article as I said, and more photos of each individual component as it sits in the system (no stock photography) in the mini articles. Let me know what you think!
