Wannabe Audiophile


New member
Jun 23, 2022
Michigan and NC
Hey all,

Fellow music lover here. Have enjoyed all types of music my entire life. I have used music as a way to communicate stages / feelings in my life as well as mark significant moments.

I’ve always wished I could play an instrument, but alas, never fulfilled that dream so I find myself living vicariously through the music…

As I enter the second part of my life I now have the means to build a budget audiophile system. Such as,

Fiber connections
Hifi Rose 250b
Holo May DAC
ModWright pre w/separate PS
ModWright KVA150
ModWright phono stage w/separate PS
EAT C Sharp
Focal Sopra n1
SVS subs
Some marantz bits with GlodenEar for home theater
A few linear power supplies, cables and balanced inter connects

Thanks for sharing all your experience….
welcome, some people have an ear and can just pick up an instrument. My moms side of the family all could pick up anything and start making music with it. I inherited their love of music but not their ear or touch and have,like you, always appreciated listening.