VPI Avenger Ordered


Active member
Jul 6, 2013
Well, after much thinking and consideration, I'm getting back into vinyl. Back in 1998, I sold my Linn LP-12 and ALL of my vinyl. Here we are 18 years later, I've decided to add analog/vinyl to my music system.

Several days ago I asked Mike to order a VPI Avenger with ADS and the magnetic drive platter. For phono stage, I'm getting the Zesto Andros 1.2. And, the cartridge will be the Ortofon Cadenza Black.

Also, the search for albums also begins. Should be fun and I'm certainly looking forward to this addition.

Interestingly, my wife is as much as I am part of this decision. Visits with her to Mark (MDP) and Susan as well as Mike and Jeanette were we listened and compared digital and vinyl became a topic of regular conversation in our household.

Thanks to Mike, Mark, Jeff W and Myles for your advise and counsel.

So, now the wait begins!
Mike - Congrats on making the decision and commitment to such a fine vinyl front end. You should get many years of pleasure with that setup, enjoy it in the best of health! "Good things come to those who wait."
Thx Bill! My wife and I are really anticipating this addition.
Congrats Mike! It seems like it was a long journey to get to here - but it will be well worth the ride!

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Congrats, great choice.

Did a similar thing beginning of this year and absolutely love it.

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Congrats Mike :congrats:

My Avenger has been one of the best purchases in my life! I still marvel at how good it truly is.

Mike, you've made excellent decisions for your whole analog setup!!!

You and Carmen will have many years of listening pleasure ahead.
I heard it with the Cadenza Black at Munich and compared it to the CD Player (think it was Nagra) in the same system and the Avenger sounded superb.
Mike, don't forget the ultrasonic cleaner. congrats on the table, VPI are coming out with some great stuff lately
Kev - You are right. Now, the list of accessories continues to grow. I have a ton of vinyl to buy! :exciting:
Mike...congrats on the new vinyl rig. All great components. Enjoy the ride. Looking forward to see you post in the What's Spinning thread :D :thumbsup:
Big day today..the Avenger arrives! Just in time for the weekend!