Tung Sol out with new KT-150 tube and Icon Audio first Manufacturer to Use It....


Active member
Apr 10, 2013
Mono and Stereo High-End Audio Magazine: Icon Audio release the World?s first KT150 amplifiers

Very interesting. I wonder what the power increase is? As a tube fan - it's great to see new tube types.
Very interesting. I wonder what the power increase is? As a tube fan - it's great to see new tube types.

I haven't been able to find anything yet, but the KT120 has a plate dissipation of 60w and a pair can produce approx. 150w. So the KT150 will be even more. I wonder if they would be a drop-in replacement for your REF250's. I kinda' doubt it...but you can dream. :)
In that case I'll wait for the Reference 400. Ha!


I haven't been able to find anything yet, but the KT120 has a plate dissipation of 60w and a pair can produce approx. 150w. So the KT150 will be even more. I wonder if they would be a drop-in replacement for your REF250's. I kinda' doubt it...but you can dream. :)
thats really cool!!!! whos going to try one for us?? Joe probably has one by now :roflmao:
I haven't been able to find anything yet, but the KT120 has a plate dissipation of 60w and a pair can produce approx. 150w. So the KT150 will be even more. I wonder if they would be a drop-in replacement for your REF250's. I kinda' doubt it...but you can dream. :)

It gets me into wondering if the guys at Audio Research are working on an amp to use this tube. Maybe SE versions of their current tube amps.

Sure would break a lot of hearts if this should happen:rolleyes:
It gets me into wondering if the guys at Audio Research are working on an amp to use this tube. Maybe SE versions of their current tube amps.

Sure would break a lot of hearts if this should happen:rolleyes:

It wouldn't surprise me if something is on the drawing board already.
When the KT-120s came out, they were a drop-in replacement for the 6550s in ARC's amps a few years ago. Not sure if that is the case with the KT-150s because they seem wider and larger than the KT-120s, but may be worth a call into ARC to ask.
Thanks for the suggestion of inquiring at ARC. I could give it a try. It's been a while since I've last talked with kalvin. He must be quite busy with the additional responsibility given to hiim but lately they've been very good in giving surprises.
