Tube change, or not


New member
Jan 5, 2017
I have Octave MRE130 mono amps. See:


This amp can use EL34, 6550, KT88, KT120 & KT150 tubes. Using KT120 or KT150 tubes will change the sound but it will not result in more power. Right now I'm using KT120 tubes.

I have been thinking about changing the KT120 for KT88 (PSVANE T series?) or KT150 tubes. Or will all of this be a waste of money and an exercise in futility and is my money better spend elsewhere.

I have these amps for about 5 years now. So I'm getting an itch to play with the power tubes. The other tubes have been changed.
I have Octave MRE130 mono amps. See:


This amp can use EL34, 6550, KT88, KT120 & KT150 tubes. Using KT120 or KT150 tubes will change the sound but it will not result in more power. Right now I'm using KT120 tubes.

I have been thinking about changing the KT120 for KT88 (PSVANE T series?) or KT150 tubes. Or will all of this be a waste of money and an exercise in futility and is my money better spend elsewhere.

I have these amps for about 5 years now. So I'm getting an itch to play with the power tubes. The other tubes have been changed.

What are you hoping to achieve by swapping out the type of power tubes you are using?
What are you hoping to achieve by swapping out the type of power tubes you are using?

To be honest not really sure. I have swapped some of the other tubes in my system and never really heard a huge difference. I wouldn't mind a bit more dynamic and maybe a bit more warmth. I don't want to loose bass (control) I also don't want rolled of high.
To be honest not really sure. I have swapped some of the other tubes in my system and never really heard a huge difference. I wouldn't mind a bit more dynamic and maybe a bit more warmth. I don't want to loose bass (control) I also don't want rolled of high.

If you like the sound of the KT-120 tubes in your amp, you should enjoy the sound of the KT-150 tubes. I have the ARC Ref 75 that came with KT-120 tubes and I swapped out to KT-150 tubes years ago. The KT-150 tubes provided more extension into the bottom octave and I preferred their sound across the audio band. Of course your amp is different than mine which could change the results of what I hear with the Ref 75 vs. what you might hear with your amp.
Unfortunately when it comes to moving to different models kt120, kt150 etc. reports I read are mixed. I assume results are more amp dependent.

In tube swapping it seems the brand will have more of an affect versus the type. Exception may be EL34 which typically has a different sound than the KT#
Unfortunately when it comes to moving to different models kt120, kt150 etc. reports I read are mixed. I assume results are more amp dependent.

In tube swapping it seems the brand will have more of an affect versus the type. Exception may be EL34 which typically has a different sound than the KT#

As far as I know, there is only one manufacturer of KT-150 tubes.
Have you reached out to OCTAVE and asked their opinion on the different tubes?

You only choice is what others do spend $100 per tube for KT88 or $200 per tube for KT150 and see what they sound like.

If you know someone that uses those tubes can you borrow/rent some or negotiate a discount to purchase yours if you don't like them.

If not you just need to take a chance.

The fact that Octave uses KT150 and not KT88 might say something. Its not the cost.

Let us know what you decide. Good luck.
Unfortunately when it comes to moving to different models kt120, kt150 etc. reports I read are mixed. I assume results are more amp dependent.

It definitely is (IMO). To quote the expression --"One size doesn't fit all." Unfortunately, like any tube swap, the only way to know is to take a gamble & try it.

Best to all,

Have you reached out to OCTAVE and asked their opinion on the different tubes?

IMO, highly recommended. Just because an amp is able to accept varying types of power tubes, doesn't mean a lot other than they will. Some amp designers actually voice their amps, based on one tube type -- not the whole gamete of possibilities.

Best suggestion is to speak with OCTAVE as brad225 suggests before you lay out some serious cash for tubes that may/may not be worth the experiment.

Best to all,

IMO, highly recommended. Just because an amp is able to accept varying types of power tubes, doesn't mean a lot other than they will. Some amp designers actually voice their amps, based on one tube type -- not the whole gamete of possibilities.

Best suggestion is to speak with OCTAVE as brad225 suggests before you lay out some serious cash for tubes that may/may not be worth the experiment.

Best to all,


Some time ago I contacted Octave. They stated that I can put KT150 in my MRE130 amps. According to Octave I will not gain more power from them amps since it was not designed for KT150. But it will change the sound of the amps. If I remember it correctly Octave stated the amps with be a bit brighter and the bass with be a bit more controlled. But the sound will be a bit less tuby and more SS in signature.
I personally really like Octave Audio. Based on your statement I wouldn't use kt150. Your room and speakers may be giving a different sound than what I heard, plus your taste, so you'd have to decide if what you described is something you'd like.

Some time ago I contacted Octave. They stated that I can put KT150 in my MRE130 amps. According to Octave I will not gain more power from them amps since it was not designed for KT150. But it will change the sound of the amps. If I remember it correctly Octave stated the amps with be a bit brighter and the bass with be a bit more controlled. But the sound will be a bit less tuby and more SS in signature.