to M600 or not


New member
Sep 20, 2015
I have a dilemma and was hoping for some help/advice.

I have a opportunity to pickup some M600 monos but to do this would mean selling off other gear that i'm very fond of..

Is the R1/M600 combo the best way to drive R1 or have other options been just as pleasing in comparison?

I realise this is totally subjective and a personal decision for myself and either option will hurt a little bit..

Either I sell some great gear I currently have or miss out on a great deal for M600's...

Can't seem to make up my mind on this one for some reason..
That's a tough one Bob. I've never heard TAD M600's and you'd think that they'd be voiced together. Just curious what you think you needed to sell to make the M600's happen? Also, I would suspect the matching preamp might be necessary to get the final "voice" you might be looking for in your system.
Bob - one thing to think about is resale. Let me ask you, are you trying to fix a problem with the R1's or are you just itching to try something else?
That's what is appealing about M600 is that they were made to get the most from R1. To make this happen I would need to forego my plans for a second system of Wilson Benesch speakers and darTZeel Amp..
Absolutely Mike.. I will be losing on the gear I sell which is par for course with Hifi I guess..

I am actually in the process of buying my first amp for R1. It makes sense to me to go straight for the m600 as it was voiced for Tad speakers.. Go for the endgame amp from the beginning should save me money in the end right? :)
Agree Joe about the matching pre. Although I was hoping to experiment with some different options in regards to the pre tube/ss.
As long as that's the sound that "you" want. In my mind, I thought a certain combo would or would not work. It was only until I lived with that combo for a while did I actually realize how I liked it.

Absolutely Mike.. I will be losing on the gear I sell which is par for course with Hifi I guess..

I am actually in the process of buying my first amp for R1. It makes sense to me to go straight for the m600 as it was voiced for Tad speakers.. Go for the endgame amp from the beginning should save me money in the end right? :)
Absolutely Mike.. I will be losing on the gear I sell which is par for course with Hifi I guess..

I am actually in the process of buying my first amp for R1. It makes sense to me to go straight for the m600 as it was voiced for Tad speakers.. Go for the endgame amp from the beginning should save me money in the end right? :)

IF you're going to keep the R1's, yes! What I would do, is look at some other amps that you can borrow/try/demo to see what they do in your system. Can you try the 600 in your system first? I heard Viola with TAD R1's and it was a terrific pairing. But again, very tough resale.

How long have you had the R1's? My thinking is, if you haven't had them for at least 6 months, live with them a little bit and then try to determine what kind of fine tuning do you need. Maybe the 600's are the right choice, but maybe not. I've only heard TAD at a dealers and at shows. R1's too. Joe is probably one of your best resources since he tried a plethora of amps on his CR1's. Joe's concern was always that the TAD's had a "bite" in the tweeter. You may not hear that or you may. You need to live with them for a while to determine what final seasoning they need! :)

What would I pair with TAD's based on my listening experiences? Ayre.
Thats so true Joe.
Synergy makes such a difference also. Im onto my third amp with the Wilson Benesch. At first I thought the sound was a bit flat and I just didn't feel connected to the music. The next amp was better but I found fatiguing. Now with the darTZeel its a beautiful sound that I enjoy immensely. The longer I spend with my current setup the more I enjoy them and appreciate them.

As long as that's the sound that "you" want. In my mind, I thought a certain combo would or would not work. It was only until I lived with that combo for a while did I actually realize how I liked it.