I love my cr-1 but getting the right sweet amp with adequate power is a journey. Best I have tried so far were the Viola Labs Symphony especially at low volumn listening. For my layout just too big a box too fit on my desk area. Sonically outstanding and does not run too hot. Amps that have not worked have included ayre even vx-5, mx-r, my current MF f-15 100 watt per channel class A amp, rowland 201, rowland 625 was actually pretty nice. MY short list is now Lindeman 858, rowland new pascal based module 525(same innards as their reference 925) and merrill twin(same power as veritas in a single chassis. ) How do you like your MSB stuff. I will demo their analog dac next week. MY short list is Ayre new qb-9 dsd, luxman or the msb dac. Thnx. BTW the NY show biamped TAD ref. with tubes on tweeter and mids and viola symphony on woofer. I heard sound was stunning. Sanjay at Ciamera a good guy to bounce off TAD amp possibilities. Nick