Signal Projects Cables...

Michaels HiFi

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
About to start the 200 hour burn in process prior to listening....

Audiophile Cable, High end audio.jpg
I just had in my system for a couple of days the Statement series XLR. Talk about body and extension. Very impressive cables.
I just had in my system for a couple of days the Statement series XLR. Talk about body and extension. Very impressive cables.
I've got the Hydra RCA and Apllon XLR to check out.

Currently burning in the RCA's for 200 hours to try then will do the XLR's.
I am currently burning in and listening to a pair of Andromeda SCs. They are biwired which is clearly the optimal config for my Kharmas.

So far, so good. They were good at 0 hour but are really starting to shine with 50 to 60 hours on them.
I am currently burning in and listening to a pair of Andromeda SCs. They are biwired which is clearly the optimal config for my Kharmas.

So far, so good. They were good at 0 hour but are really starting to shine with 50 to 60 hours on them.
Nice! Can you share a pic with us of them?
All I have taken so far. Too busy listening to play photographer .😁

The second shot shows the size delta between the Andromeda and the WW Plat 8s.


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Must be closing in on your 200 hours target. What are you hearing?
Good timing! I just gave them a quick listen last night.

Here is the best way I can describe them: they took the best of the Clarisys that I was hearing on certain songs in terms of fullness and body, and added just the right amount of that to my Tobians.

Previous RCA's were Siltech.

I also have been searching for a bit more fullness in my amp and DAC and have been going through NOS tubes trying to find it. The SP's have given me that touch of body and warmth I was looking while giving SUPERB amounts of insight and information on the music.

It's the Hydra RCA's I'm listening to first and the XLR's are burning in.

I hate cables. I think they are a pain in the ass, and honestly most just sound mediocre at best and are usually 1-step forward and 2 steps back.

So far, I LOVE the Hydra RCA's.

To be clear the Siltech's are excellent cables: clear, insightful and never ever sound harsh.

I just posted for sale a like-new pair of Siltech interconnects at 50% off if anyone is interested.... ;)
Interesting insight.
In my SP loom I have Hydra SCs between Nagra monos and Tobians while I run SilverQuest ICs (XLR, RCA, Aes/Ebu, Spdif) between the electronics.
I find SilverQuest line being silver based a nice balance in sense of details, crispiness and speed between my all tube gear (mainly DHT except Horizon). Hydra SC being mix of Gold/Copper/Silver I love in the speaker position as a too fast and open cable would be just too much for detailed and fast horns.

Also had exactly those Siltech 680s but SPs are entirely different ball game.

Ah I forgot - I also have SilverQuest power cords on Nagra mono blocks and they are amazing. Need to slowly (funds dependent) exchange the rest of the PCs with SilverQuest...
Mike help - but i need schuko :p
I’ve continued listening to my system with the Signal Project Avalon Golden Sequence Andromeda IC XLRs. These cables are remarkable. Music has full body, good impact and plenty of detail with zero harshness.
I’ve continued listening to my system with the Signal Project Avalon Golden Sequence Andromeda IC XLRs. These cables are remarkable. Music has full body, good impact and plenty of detail with zero harshness.
Hey Mike, Andromedas or Golden Squence? Seems they are different models?

Or do you have both models in for demo?
Craig - I just re-checked the box. The ICs I’m trying out are the Andromedas. The other lines are also listed; however, I missed a checkmark next to the Andromeda nomenclature on the box. :oops:
Well, I’ve had these Andromeda IC XLRs for a couple of weeks, I’m returning them to Mike this week. They are absolutely wonderful.

My entire IC loom is WW Platinum 8. So a change is not in my plan at this point. But the Signal Andromedas are quite impressive.

If looking for a full range presentation - strong bottom with a very real mid and wonderful extension, this is a wire to consider.