Roomplay Reference With Jim Smith


Behavior Moderator (be nice police!)
Apr 4, 2013
Lake Country, Georgia
I recently spent some time with Jim in his dedicated listening room getting aquatinted with his new system. I've been there before on a few occasions, but that was listening to his previous setup, which included his big Tannoy speakers with outboard crossovers and some very expensive ancillary gear.

Jim invited me to come because he's gone through what happens to many of us on our audio journey.And as many of us have, his views have evolved. At the beginning of our journey, some of us are really paying attention to how correct or realistic the sounds we are listening to are. We want to have our music be as realistic as possible. And for some of us it can become sort of a quest to get there. There's nothing wrong with that goal until it becomes the only reason you're an audiophile. What I mean by that is that in acquiring speakers and other gear that only gives us the technical truth of the music, we lose the very thing that we loved about music in the first place.......the way it makes us feel. Music and lyrics that bring out emotions from deep inside us!

Jim put together his new system for a fraction of the money of his previous setup. Fyne speakers,a Pass integrated and cheap wires.

His purpose was to show that a fairly inexpensive system, set up properly, could bring out those emotions that we all enjoy so much when listening to a piece of music that touches us.
After spending a few hours there listening to music that I wasn't even familiar with,I can assure that he totally succeeded. It was even better than his old, much more expensive system.

One of the things we talked about was when a music system achieves the goal of being emotionally involving, it also becomes something that we can share with the people we love. I know personally that since the arrival of the Kharmas and the Gryphon integrated that my wife has wanted to sit with me, and she has commented on how beautiful it sounds.

I'm sure Jim will chime in and explain his goals, and if I was incorrect on anything I hope he corrects me.

Overall it was another ear opening day in my journey through the audiophile universe.
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Re: Roomplay With Jim Smith

Thanks for sharing Mark. Clearly Jim is one of the best system setup professionals and industry expert. I need to book a visit.
Great write up Mark. Engaging emotions is what makes this so much fun. Glad you’re loving the Kharma’s.

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WOW, Mark!!!

Thanks for that report.

I have been moving even further to be certain that the emotional involvement factor - the Musical Engagement - is greater than ever.

It's related to the work that I have been doing in my - horribly delayed - Through the Sound Barrier Kickstarter project.

IMO, it's no longer enough to get the technical aspects right - which absolutely makes a huge difference when done right. There is still a bit more tuning to do to get the music fully unlocked.

FWIW - my current RoomPlay Reference system costs less than the power cords did in the last one!!!

Yet every visitor has been wrapped up in the music more than before - and that system was considered one of - if not the best - that visitors ever heard. Even with that system, there were a great deal of better components available, it was about the set-up and the room.

There is much more that I could say, but it already sounds like a h-u-u-u-g-e advertisement.

Thanks again, Mark!
I recently spent some time with Jim in his dedicated listening room getting aquatinted with his new system. I've been there before on a few occasions, but that was listening to his previous setup, which included his big Tannoy speakers with outboard crossovers and some very expensive ancillary gear.

Jim invited me to come because he's gone through what happens to many of us on our audio journey.And as many of us have, his views have evolved. At the beginning of our journey, some of us are really paying attention to how correct or realistic the sounds we are listening to are. We want to have our music be as realistic as possible. And for some of us it can become sort of a quest to get there. There's nothing wrong with that goal until it becomes the only reason you're an audiophile. What I mean by that is that in acquiring speakers and other gear that only gives us the technical truth of the music, we lose the very thing that we loved about music in the first place.......the way it makes us feel. Music and lyrics that bring out emotions from deep inside us!

Jim put together his new system for a fraction of the money of his previous setup. Fyne speakers,a Pass integrated and cheap wires.

His purpose was to show that a fairly inexpensive system, set up properly, could bring out those emotions that we all enjoy so much when listening to a piece of music that touches us.
After spending a few hours there listening to music that I wasn't even familiar with,I can assure that he totally succeeded. It was even better than his old, much more expensive system.

One of the things we talked about was when a music system achieves the goal of being emotionally involving, it also becomes something that we can share with the people we love. I know personally that since the arrival of the Kharmas and the Gryphon integrated that my wife has wanted to sit with me, and she has commented on how beautiful it sounds.

I'm sure Jim will chime in and explain his goals, and if I was incorrect on anything I hope he corrects me.

Overall it was another ear opening day in my journey through the audiophile universe.

Very nice and honest post. The description of Jim Smith’s change of view is not unusual. Many of us start in this hobby pursuing some goal that we eventually learn is not possible to achieve. Along the way in this journey some folks discover that many supposed truths are nothing more than myths and fallacies.
It is about the music. It sounds like Jim Smith is right on. Congrats to Jim!!
I notice, though, that you (MDP) still have a very pricey system ;) Are you considering following Jim's path to greater simplicity (or less complexity)?
FWIW - my current RoomPlay Reference system costs less than the power cords did in the last one!!!

Can you tell us what the current RoomPlay Reference system is? Are you using any power conditioning in it? Racks and/or isolation devices? Thanks
Can you tell us what the current RoomPlay Reference system is? Are you using any power conditioning in it? Racks and/or isolation devices? Thanks

That was a very telling statement by Jim Smith concerning the cost of the power cords in his old system costing more than his entire new system.
That was a very telling statement by Jim Smith concerning the cost of the power cords in his old system costing more than his entire new system.

No argument from me with that, since I have long been a proponent of streamlining (downsizing), but given what power cords can cost it doesn't really answer my question :lol:

It's also a telling statement from the other Mark that he felt this degree of musical involvement from a system with no analog source
Can you tell us what the current RoomPlay Reference system is? Are you using any power conditioning in it? Racks and/or isolation devices? Thanks

I actually now have TWO systems, in case one develops an unexpected issue.

My main system:

Pass Labs INT-60 integrated amp
Schiit Yggdrasil - fully updated
MBP (3) - 10 years old - stripped down for music only
Shunyata Denali 6000S/V2
Pair of REL S-812S subs
Tripp Lite power cords, and/or Wyred 4 Sound power cords
Pangea racks (total $475), replacing highly modified Grand Prix Audio racks (over $5k). EVPs under each component.
All Duelund ICs & speaker cables

System Two replaces Pass INT-60 with Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE-2 preamp, and Quicksilver Mono 120 amps w/Tung-Sol KT150s.
Joseph Audio Perspective 2 Graphenes, instead of Fyne 703s. Everything else remains the same.

While I used to wait until I consistently fell into the music from tracks I'd heard thousands of times (then turning to my RoomPlay client and saying, "We're done!"), that is no longer the case. Now, when I start falling into the music, I know that there is - with more effort - an opportunity to extract even more musical engagement from nearly every track.

That is what Mark heard, as well as another client from a week ago:


Thanks for the listening session at your studio that you provided for me this past week. The afternoon was quite enlightening.

I have never experienced music with the detail, depth and clarity that I heard on your system. My system is much more expensive but does not come close to the musicality that your system exhibits.

Very evident that the setup is the key ingredient in the success of a finely tuned and really impressive music experience. I look forward to you helping my system achieve its potential.

John D"

If I can get them to load, I'll post a few images, but they will reveal very little about the increased Musical Engagement factor.

Incidentally, most clients have turntables, yet I hear no complaints re the digital... That is definitely NOT a statement about the relative merits of digital & vinyl, but simply one about the musical involvement from a system that has more than a few compromises...

Additionally, it means that the Pass INT 60 & Fyne 703s are definitely no slouches...

And, doggone it, it's why I want a pair of the top Fynes for myself, but cannot at this time, due to the ME mission... :satisfying:




Jim asked me to post these.

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I notice, though, that you (MDP) still have a very pricey system ;) Are you considering following Jim's path to greater simplicity (or less complexity)?

I agree that my system is pricey. Once I heard the Kharma DB9's I couldn't help myself.
And my system had room setup restrictions because of the compromise I made with my wife that allowed my system to be in the main living area.
So I'm trying to compensate for those setup restrictions with the most musically engaging speaker I could find.

But it is a simplified system. I went from separates to an integrated amp.

I know from being at Jim's place that proper setup is crucial to getting everything from your system, if you're able to accommodate it.
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Hi Jim, which power cord (brand/model) do you use from the wall to your Shunyata Denali 6000S/V2?

Thanks, Duke
I actually now have TWO systems, in case one develops an unexpected issue.

My main system:

Pass Labs INT-60 integrated amp
Schiit Yggdrasil - fully updated
MBP (3) - 10 years old - stripped down for music only
Shunyata Denali 6000S/V2
Pair of REL S-812S subs
Tripp Lite power cords, and/or Wyred 4 Sound power cords
Pangea racks (total $475), replacing highly modified Grand Prix Audio racks (over $5k). EVPs under each component.
All Duelund ICs & speaker cables

System Two replaces Pass INT-60 with Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE-2 preamp, and Quicksilver Mono 120 amps w/Tung-Sol KT150s.
Joseph Audio Perspective 2 Graphenes, instead of Fyne 703s. Everything else remains the same.

While I used to wait until I consistently fell into the music from tracks I'd heard thousands of times (then turning to my RoomPlay client and saying, "We're done!"), that is no longer the case. Now, when I start falling into the music, I know that there is - with more effort - an opportunity to extract even more musical engagement from nearly every track.

That is what Mark heard, as well as another client from a week ago:


Thanks for the listening session at your studio that you provided for me this past week. The afternoon was quite enlightening.

I have never experienced music with the detail, depth and clarity that I heard on your system. My system is much more expensive but does not come close to the musicality that your system exhibits.

Very evident that the setup is the key ingredient in the success of a finely tuned and really impressive music experience. I look forward to you helping my system achieve its potential.

John D"

If I can get them to load, I'll post a few images, but they will reveal very little about the increased Musical Engagement factor.

Incidentally, most clients have turntables, yet I hear no complaints re the digital... That is definitely NOT a statement about the relative merits of digital & vinyl, but simply one about the musical involvement from a system that has more than a few compromises...

Additionally, it means that the Pass INT 60 & Fyne 703s are definitely no slouches...

And, doggone it, it's why I want a pair of the top Fynes for myself, but cannot at this time, due to the ME mission... :satisfying:

In the photos on this thread I have noticed the half hemisphere covers over the speaker cables.
Is this for aesthetics or are there other beneficial purposes for them?
In the photos on this thread I have noticed the half hemisphere covers over the speaker cables.
Is this for aesthetics or are there other beneficial purposes for them?

The Duelund cables are relatively small, so they can easily be tripped over, so the covers were a safety measure.

Can't say that they have any sound-related issues, purely for safety, having seen several folks trip over them......