Review of Pass Labs INT-60

You should look forward to it because he said it's the first honest review.

LOL. Exactly!! I'm not paid / incentivized by the manufactures for my reviews like so many others are (even ones who claim they are not - they do get rewarded indirectly).

Plus, hopefully it sparks someones interest enough to click on the video. LOL
LOL. Exactly!! I'm not paid / incentivized by the manufactures for my reviews like so many others are (even ones who claim they are not - they do get rewarded indirectly).

Plus, hopefully it sparks someones interest enough to click on the video. LOL

Did you buy the Pass Labs integrated amp you reviewed?
LOL. Exactly!! I'm not paid / incentivized by the manufactures for my reviews like so many others are (even ones who claim they are not - they do get rewarded indirectly).

Plus, hopefully it sparks someones interest enough to click on the video. LOL

I’m not paid either. Could you please send me a PM too introducing me to whoever I need to contact to get paid? 35 years as a reviewer and I missed that one.
I’m not paid either. Could you please send me a PM too introducing me to whoever I need to contact to get paid? 35 years as a reviewer and I missed that one.[/QUOTE

I apologize if I upset you. That was not my intention.

By the way - I do enjoy reading your publication.
I'm not going to get into an online war with you based on a comment I stand by - " like so many others are ". We all know how the game is played and that's OK. But I didn't attack you, I didn't say "ALL" and you need to not turn this into a fake internet battle.

There are plenty of reviewers who talk about all the ways the review game is played - by MANY and NOT ALL - so let's not pretend this is blasphemy.

By the way - I do enjoy reading your publication.

You made the accusations, you gotta back it up with facts. Please enlighten us with how the game is played. Otherwise it’s just Qaudio.
I'm not playing this game with you. You know as well as the rest of us how this works. And if you are pretending it isn't happening - that's up to you.

I'm not going to respond to you again as I'm not getting into a childish internet battle.

Have a nice day.

You started this mess by boldly declaring that your "review" of the Pass Labs integrated amp was the first "honest" review. If you aren't willing to back up your statement with facts, you shouldn't be tossing hand grenades at reviewers while proclaiming your virtue.
slowly getting tired of all the "youtube" reviewers (not just the audio ones), I am forcing myself to start listening to music without laptop/Ipad again, as I used to do in the past, so much more enjoyable in the end.
slowly getting tired of all the "youtube" reviewers (not just the audio ones), I am forcing myself to start listening to music without laptop/Ipad again, as I used to do in the past, so much more enjoyable in the end.

I can look past what I don't want to watch on YT pretty easily. For me it's the political crap that annoys me.

As I have always maintained - and in fact have a video on - I argue ANY reviewer should be viewed as entertainment only as their review is useless for so many reasons. I certainly would never base a buying decision off ANY reviewer.

I enjoy all the reviewers and their different styles and again watch them as entertainment.

The danger becomes when people - and the reviewers - start to think the reviewers are somehow special people and know something we don't. At the end of the day the ONLY thing we need to trust is our ears. Not measurements. Not what some "reviewer" states on a web site, magazine or internet video.

I don't really care if anyone watches my videos - I just don't take myself that serioulsy. And I go out of my way to state it is what I hear which will likely be different than from what YOU hear for a variety of reasons. I sure as heck don't take myself seriously and only do it for fun. If anyone can watch my video on converting a cable skeptic and really think is meant to be anything but fun and humorous - they need some help.

I think the "new media" with many of the popular YT reviewers has helped knocked the legacy reviwers down a few pegs and they don't know how to deal with it. For the longest time they were the arbiters of what people thought on equipment. Now they are a speck in the landscape of reviews and information.
I can look past what I don't want to watch on YT pretty easily. For me it's the political crap that annoys me.

I don't really care if anyone watches my videos

If you don't really care if anyone watches your videos, why are you asking people to join your channel?

- I just don't take myself that serioulsy.

Since you can't even spell seriously, it's probably a good idea that you don't take yourself seriously. However, even though you claim not to take yourself seriously, you are using this thread on your YouTube channel to attempt to gin up attacks on reviewers and hopefully gain more viewers that you claim you don't care about.
Thanks for the review, which I enjoyed. I can't say that I enjoyed the little war that ensued. It is the content of the video that matters to me, not my interpretation of what the title might be implying.

Even a casual reader and hobbyist like me has come to believe that some, NOT ALL reviewers are not always 100% subjective and unaffected by monetary considerations from the equipment makers when offering their reviews. Something, in my reading of reviews for the last 40 years, may have led me to this understanding...

Can't we accept that 1) Michael changed the title of the video (possibly) based on the backlash received, and 2) An audio reviewer stood up for his trade when he (possibly) perceived a slight, and just move on? I for one would surely hate to see this forum devolve into the all-too-common "constant bickering/everyone has to be right and get the last word in" cesspool like so many other places. Thanks in advance to all parties concerned for not letting that happen here.
Thanks for the review, which I enjoyed. I can't say that I enjoyed the little war that ensued. It is the content of the video that matters to me, not my interpretation of what the title might be implying.

Even a casual reader and hobbyist like me has come to believe that some, NOT ALL reviewers are not always 100% subjective and unaffected by monetary considerations from the equipment makers when offering their reviews. Something, in my reading of reviews for the last 40 years, may have led me to this understanding...

Can't we accept that 1) Michael changed the title of the video (possibly) based on the backlash received, and 2) An audio reviewer stood up for his trade when he (possibly) perceived a slight, and just move on? I for one would surely hate to see this forum devolve into the all-too-common "constant bickering/everyone has to be right and get the last word in" cesspool like so many other places. Thanks in advance to all parties concerned for not letting that happen here.

You have a newbie here on AS who proclaimed himself as the only "honest" reviewer while he is trying to build subscribers for his audio "reviews" on his YouTube channel. Sounds like you are OK with that.