Piece of advice from fellow Sharks


New member
Jan 19, 2015
May I get some views and experiences on how other Sharks are using their Shunyata products. I have today a new high quality power cable coming in and am torn how to best deploy it.

I do have two top quality Shunyata power cables and a couple of good ones. What is my best option based on your experiences:

Option a): put top cables to power 1) Triton, 2) power amp.

Option b): put lower quality HD cable to 1) power Triton, 2) top cable to power amp, 3) top cable to pre amp.

I have heard it done either way, what is your recommendation and why. Same question applies of course to Audioquest Niagara, PS Audio, Audience, Ansuz etc. users as well.

Would appreciate your kind support.

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May I get some views and experiences on how other Sharks are using their Shunyata products. I have today a new high quality power cable coming in and am torn how to best deploy it.

I do have two top quality Shunyata power cables and a couple of good ones. What is my best option based on your experiences:

Option a): put top cables to power 1) Triton, 2) power amp.

Option b): put lower quality HD cable to 1) power Triton, 2) top cable to power amp, 3) top cable to pre amp.

I have heard it done either way, what is your recommendation and why. Same question applies of course to Audioquest Niagara, PS Audio, Audience etc. users as well.

Would appreciate your kind support.

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Option A.
Option A.

You timing is immaculate Mike, just holding the new cable in my hand and am getting a playlist impression of the previous setup before putting it in [emoji3].

Intuitively I would also say option a), but as I had read other thoughts on the forum as well I thought I'd check.

Thanks for helping.

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From a power point of view, it's a series circuit just like the links in a chain, so it doesn't matter where you put it.
But on the other hand, an AC power cord can act as an interference antenna (either receiving or transmitting). So connect your least susceptible cord to the hi-fi component.
In Ansuz. We advice to put the best cable from the wall socket to your power conditioner/distributor. This is where we've found the greatest effect.
In Ansuz. We advice to put the best cable from the wall socket to your power conditioner/distributor. This is where we've found the greatest effect.

Appreciate it, that's also what I would think, as it then impacts all other components as well.

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Excellent. Let us know your impressions. Did you get Sigma NR? Alpha?

Mike, you know I'm a poor boy, so I went with the Alpha (same as before) [emoji3]. That said, I find the Alphas very good for my purposes. The phono pre will be happy as well, to be supplied by a WyWires Platinum power cable now, which is not too shabby either.

As to the impact, Hiromi and Simon Phillips never sounded so good. It's not just more solid bass and better definition of the piano, also improved imaging, details, sparkle. The amp can do more when powered properly, as simple as that. Really cannot believe it's just one power cord for the power amp.

Shunyata is one of those companies where I yet have to experience a situation where I would have changed a component and then go, hmmm not sure. Always a solid performer.

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This is actually quite shocking: with the Alpha HD in my system for a day feeding the power amp, having settled a bit, it sounds like the size of my LS has literally doubled.

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Had to indulge myself in some more Alpha cables: after the HD was so good I got two more for the DAC and preamp.

Looking forward to hear the impact.

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