Pass Labs XP-15 vs XP-17 – anyone have first-hand experience?


New member
Oct 21, 2017
Hi All - I'm new to Audioshark.

Having purchased my first line-stage (& solid-state) preamp (XP-30), I now need a (s-s) phono stage. (My life is now such that I need the convenience of solid state.) Without naming names, a Pass Labs employee expressed the opinion that the XP-17 was on an entirely different level (better) than the XP-15, and that the 17 was the clear choice. On the other hand, the one very knowledgeable dealer I have spoken with felt that they were equally good but different, and that it was a matter of taste. Given my 40-year love affair with tubes, he thought I would prefer the XP-15. He characterized it as warmer, smoother, & more tonally balanced than the 17, which he said was a bit brighter, more 3D, and more revealing & detailed.

Since I have no local dealer at which to hear (& compare) for myself, I would value any experience anyone has to offer. (The XP-17 represents the maximum my budget allows.)


My system:
SOTA Star-Cosmos hybrid (vacuum, Electronic Flywheel)/SME V/Koetsu Rosewood Signature, Esoteric X-05 SACD player, Alesis ML-9600 mastering CD burner, Nakamichi 700 ZXE Cassette Deck:D, Pass Labs XP-30 & Hovland HP-100 preamps, Edge G8+ monoblocks & Classé M-700 monoblocks, Infinity IRS Beta & Rockport Atria Speakers, MIT Shotgun ICs & SCs, Shunyata Denali 6000T, Shunyata Alpha NR, Viper Ztron, Venom HC & Harmonic Technology PCs