No sound on Lumin A1 - HELP


Jan 6, 2020
Hello I´m writing from Buenos Aires Argentina.

Regretfully I´m suffering some strange problem with my beloved Lumin

As you know I have a Lumin A1 since 4 o 5 years and till yesterday it worked really fine but suddenly there is no sound coming form the streamer.

The streamer seems to work properly, I can see the information of the album and the minutes/seconds running on the App but no sound goes to my preamp.

First I thought there could be some problem with the cables hence I checked interconnection cables (XLR) and seems to be ok. Then I also checked the Power cable to the PSU and no problems there.

So I plugged up some RCA interconnection cables but the same no problem no sound coming from the streamer to my preamp also with this new RCA cable.

I decided to switch off the PSU and wait some minutes... I did so and switched it on again after 10 minutos aprox and the sound appear again.

I though the problem was solved but regretfully after 3 minutes again no sound on the Lumin.

I was really frustrated yesterday hence I disconnect the PSU from the 220volts socket till this morning.

Again I checked (with my finger crossed) and same problem the sound appear for 3 minutes and after that silence again even though the track is running (I can see it on the App)

Any recommendations..? Any thought..? Is there some way to reset the Streamer...?

I will be waiting for your comments.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Best Regards;
Some minutes ago I have completed a Hardware Reset from the App following the instructions from Lumin website but it did not work and I´m still facing the same problem.. no sound coming from Lumin to my Preamp.


It seems that PSU is too hot could it be some problem with that..? I don´t think so cause sound does not have to do with PSU temperature I think.

Any though please let me know..

Many thanks.
Did you see the reset pinhole on the back panel? next to the USB. Check the proceedure at Lumin but using a paperclip, or something better, with the unit powered on press the button in there and hold it. The front panel will go blank - then after pressing the pin in a second or 5?, release it.
Did you see the reset pinhole on the back panel? next to the USB. Check the proceedure at Lumin but using a paperclip, or something better, with the unit powered on press the button in there and hold it. The front panel will go blank - then after pressing the pin in a second or 5?, release it.

Many thanks for your response.

I have been reading the Procedure in Lumin website and as far as I understood that procedure can be done in case that the reset with the App do not work properly. It seems that it is the same to reset the Streamer with the App than with the pinhole at the back of the unit.

I hope Peter read this post and reply soon.

Best Regards;
Few thoughts.
Part a. If you have no output it could be either PSU not sending proper voltage (I cannot imagine with toroidal psi), or DAC board / analog output stage issue. Or out of the box, preamp issue?

Part b. If you see the app playtime, can you see it also on the A1 display, and are these synched? If not a reset might work if not already done.

Part c. Besides resetting via app, try it via the reset button on the backside.
A general, not specific to Lumin, procedure to reset is: While powered press reset button for 30 seconds. While holding reset button, unplug device for 30 seconds, again power on while still holding reset button for another 30 seconds then release the reset button and see the unit power up.

If issue persists thereafter I think something hardware is broken.

Part d. do you have sound via digital out?
Part a. If you have no output it could be either PSU not sending proper voltage (I cannot imagine with toroidal psi), or DAC board / analog output stage issue. Or out of the box, preamp issue?
Part b. If you see the app playtime, can you see it also on the A1 display, and are these synched? If not a reset might work if not already done.
Part c. Besides resetting via app, try it via the reset button on the backside.
Part d. do you have sound via digital out?

Many thanks for your comments, find bellow my responses...

Part a & b. Preamp is working fine with other equipment. Also as explained the A1 output sound just a couple of seconds each time I turn it on after keeping PSU switched Off for a while. So it goes fine some seconds after switching it on and then suddenly it does not send signal to the Preamp even though it is working (I can see seconds passing in the App and in the display of A1).
Display time, album, track, etc is ok in the App and also in the front panel.

Part c. As indicated in Lumin´s website I think it is the same but anyway I can also try to reset A1 by the reset button at the back.
I do not think on any hardware broken cause the equipment is in the rack for some months with no movement or changes in connections.

Part d. I did not check the digital out I have A1 connected to XLR and RCA and same problem with both connections.

Any other ideas are welcome.

Best Regards;

Part b.
If you have any means to check out the digital out you can determine better what is wrong.

When digital out Ok and analog out Not Ok suspect A1's internal DAC or power supply to DAC.
When both digital and analog out are Not Ok you might have a different issue in the device, or maybe power supply issue.

To rule out any software/control issues I suggest 30-30-30 hardware reset via button on the back still instead of reset via the app.
The correct way to reset a Lumin using the hardware reset button is this:
Power off the unit. Use a pin to insert into the reset hole at the back. You should feel a click. Press and hold it while powering on the unit. Keep holding it for no less than 20 seconds until you see some small text on the front panel.

See if you can verify the BNC digital output works or not. This helps in case you choose not to repair it and connect it to an external DAC instead (using a BNC to RCA coaxial cable). If the digital output works, at least the digital circuit board is not faulty.

In any case, this is a hardware fault. I suggest you contact the distributor if you wish to have it repaired (that would incur shipping and repair costs). Normally If you think the power supply feels significantly hotter than it was several years ago, the power supply can also be faulty in addition to the circuit board that has analog outputs.
Hey guys i have just completed the reset of the A1 by using the reset button on the back and the problem persist.

I will be contacting my local distributor in the next days for a reparation.

Many thanks for your information and support.

I have just one question and I would like to know you point of view is it correct to repare and old A1 model or it will be better to go for a new one maybe T2 or T3..? I really don´t know if they are better in sound quality, I do know they have some new features but I don´t know too much about "sound".
You may upgrade to a T3 or P1, the sound will have more details with better imaging, be more neutral rather than warm.

Or, if the BNC output is not faulty, you may use an external DAC. (In this case, you should choose a DAC that accepts DSD64 DoP via SPDIF.)
Dear Peter many thanks for your responses and your usual help.

Hope to have my A1 repaired in the next weeks.

Best Regards;