
Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013



  • SUPERNAIT 3 - Image 1.png
    SUPERNAIT 3 - Image 1.png
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Hmmm how can you tell the difference than Nait 2 ? [emoji23] just kidding

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The SN2 has been discontinued. I just decided to go back to Naim by replacing my Lumin X1 with Naim NDX2/SN2. I wanted to duplicate the incredible ease of use of my Naim Nova with better performance. I decided the SN3 didn't offer enough for me to pay the price in cost and wait time.

They say you can never go home again. We'll see.
The SN2 is a wonderful integrated, especially with Harbeth. I originally had 30.1 but will eventually order the 30.2 to go with it in a second system. The SN2/30.1 combo won best of show several years ago. I’m sure you will love it.
The SN2 is a wonderful integrated, especially with Harbeth. I originally had 30.1 but will eventually order the 30.2 to go with it in a second system. The SN2/30.1 combo won best of show several years ago. I’m sure you will love it.
Back in the day it was a used SN that started me on Naim. I wandered away but I'm now coming back.
Congratulations Bud! Let us know when it all comes together and starts breaking in.
Yes, with Naim, everything matters but you are rewarded for your efforts.
Congratulations Bud! Let us know when it all comes together and starts breaking in.
I was able to acquire the complete package (mint Demo). No breaking in! I have to wait on the new Ansuz C2 IC's but I can use my trusty Chords while I wait.
Now I have some things to sell (Ansus Ethernet cables, Gigafoil, linear PS for the Gigafoil, etc.)
I was able to acquire the complete package (mint Demo). No breaking in! I have to wait on the new Ansuz C2 IC's but I can use my trusty Chords while I wait.
Now I have some things to sell (Ansus Ethernet cables, Gigafoil, linear PS for the Gigafoil, etc.)

OMG, didn’t you just recently get the the “things” you are selling?

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OMG, didn’t you just recently get the the “things” you are selling?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Yes, but I’m replacing two streamers with one so I don’t need the Gigafoil and Ethernet cables I was using with the Lumin X1.
Back in the day I might go for years w/o making a change. Now my age and health has me thinking about now not the future.
Yes, but I’m replacing two streamers with one so I don’t need the Gigafoil and Ethernet cables I was using with the Lumin X1.
Back in the day I might go for years w/o making a change. Now my age and health has me thinking about now not the future.

I used to buy cars and keep them 10 years. When I hit my mid 40's I realized that at that pace I'd not own very many more cars! So I started doing 3 year leases :) I just shot you a PM about the ethernet. But I agree with those sentiments; I enjoyed by SN2 based system for about 6 years, and only about 6 months ago got the itch to upgrade. Stayed with Naim :) SN2/NDX2 is a very very nice system with a nice low box count. I really hope that you enjoy it!!
Yes, but I’m replacing two streamers with one so I don’t need the Gigafoil and Ethernet cables I was using with the Lumin X1.
Back in the day I might go for years w/o making a change. Now my age and health has me thinking about now not the future.

I can identify with that. I turn seventy in January. I'm in good general health as far as I know. But...??? This may be the last new high end system I'll own. So, I'm gonna make it count.
I used to buy cars and keep them 10 years. When I hit my mid 40's I realized that at that pace I'd not own very many more cars! So I started doing 3 year leases :) I just shot you a PM about the ethernet. But I agree with those sentiments; I enjoyed by SN2 based system for about 6 years, and only about 6 months ago got the itch to upgrade. Stayed with Naim :) SN2/NDX2 is a very very nice system with a nice low box count. I really hope that you enjoy it!!
Naim recently had a one day sale so I'm swapping my NDX/XPS for ND555/555PS. As Nelson Pass once said, audiophiles are members of the lunatic fringe. Old dogs like me never learn. Back in the day I got rid of my Naim NDS because I didn't like having to deal with Transit screws on the NDS and the Naim Fraim it required..

Now I've got an ND555 with transit screws and the knowledge that my Quadraspire rack probably isn't good enough. Then there is the Supernait 2 and the Harbeth's that can't match the Naim 500 series kit.

My wife of 56 years kept me grounded and w/o her I'm like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of money.
I very much enjoyed my sn2 , it was a bit fussy with connected equipment sometimes but very muscular and holographic . i look forward to hearing the sn3 sometime
I just bought a Nd555 etc at that sale also. I loved my NDS 8 years ago and have been through several players since then. I always felt they were a sideways move but for 1/4 the price. So I switched. So now with how I know Naim is with their 500 series components, I had to give the ND555 a try. Once I get it and it gets broken in I'll let everybody know what I think - good or bad. Did I go for what I think I remember or ... was the NDS just the first digital player that i heard was worth a .... I honestly have no I idea. I'm so lucky in this business climate to be able to find out. :)

Naim recently had a one day sale so I'm swapping my NDX/XPS for ND555/555PS. As Nelson Pass once said, audiophiles are members of the lunatic fringe. Old dogs like me never learn. Back in the day I got rid of my Naim NDS because I didn't like having to deal with Transit screws on the NDS and the Naim Fraim it required..

Now I've got an ND555 with transit screws and the knowledge that my Quadraspire rack probably isn't good enough. Then there is the Supernait 2 and the Harbeth's that can't match the Naim 500 series kit.

My wife of 56 years kept me grounded and w/o her I'm like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of money.
I just bought a Nd555 etc at that sale also. I loved my NDS 8 years ago and have been through several players since then. I always felt they were a sideways move but for 1/4 the price. So I switched. So now with how I know Naim is with their 500 series components, I had to give the ND555 a try. Once I get it and it gets broken in I'll let everybody know what I think - good or bad. Did I go for what I think I remember or ... was the NDS just the first digital player that i heard was worth a .... I honestly have no I idea. I'm so lucky in this business climate to be able to find out. :)

Congrats Jock! The ND555 is very nice. Looking forward to your comments.
Naim recently had a one day sale

Any more details about this "sale?" I was recently offered an opportunity to upgrade to a 552 preamp at a nice price, and perhaps this was part of the same "one day sale." My dealer didn't elaborate.

*EDIT* I'm trading my 252/SuperCapDR towards the 552!