New Luxman M900/C900 Review

I currently have the 509X, while demoing different amps I had a chance to hear the m900u...all I can say is it's hard to unhear what I heard. :audiophile:

This was using a higher end Bel Canto Black DAC as the source and pre, not even paired with the c900u. It was already an unfair comparison, I was abreast warned against even hearing it with my limited budget. Now I know why.

The 509X is a fantastic integrated, once I have the space and budget the m900u/c900u will be top of my list to do a serious listen.
as an owner of the C/M900 combo, having used w/ both Wilson Sasha 2s and now Magico S7s, this combo is as plug and play forever as you're apt to find. they do nothing wrong and always sound wonderful (never heard SS class AB treble like this before), built to last a lifetime of listening fun (which some gear is only occasionally--like tube gear).
highly recommended.
ps: they still need stillpoints under them. most gear does. but the amp loves ultra 5s.
I have the Luxman 900 combo, connected to Magico S2MKII Speakers (Cary DMS 500, Brinkman Bardo, Unison Research Due as sources), they sound like a dream - those are one of the best pre/pro combination you can get for the price.

It sound big yet focus, bold, detailed with excellent dynamic and micro dynamic, yet mange to wrap you with delicate and softness of the sound.
Welcome to the forum, thank you so much for joining.

Congratulations on a wonderful system.