NAIM SuperNait 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Please do let us know how do you like that combo.?

Ben, I loved the NAIM Supernait 3 and Harbeth Super HL 5+ Anniversary Model speaker synergy. It was simply outstanding. I have the same model speakers at home. For me, the NAIM was a close second (along with the Pass int 60) to the Gryphon Diablo 300. But I could be VERY happy with any of these components. They ALL sounded stellar. The Supernait 3 sounded pretty much as described by others above. Big, meaty, robust, slightly colored but beautifully so.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Are you breaking in your Harbeth's while you are waiting on the other gear? Hope they're not sitting in the boxes.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Are you breaking in your Harbeth's while you are waiting on the other gear? Hope they're not sitting in the boxes.

I don't have anything to break the speakers in with right now. Just waiting on getting my amp and remaining components. I'd prefer to break everything in simultaneously. I unpacked the speakers and placed them on their stands as soon as I received them.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I would have already been to the Goodwill store and bought a cheap used receiver or integrated and let them run 24/7 on the radio in a spare room until the Diablo showed up. But that's just me. I couldn't stand new gear just staring back at me.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I would have already been to the Goodwill store and bought a cheap used receiver or integrated and let them run 24/7 on the radio in a spare room until the Diablo showed up. But that's just me. I couldn't stand new gear just staring back at me.

I feel the same about my employees.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I know some people view the break in time as kind of a PIA and something to get over with. For me it's kind of fun. Like breaking in a new guitar and hearing the transition take place over time. But that's just me.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I would have already been to the Goodwill store and bought a cheap used receiver or integrated and let them run 24/7 on the radio in a spare room until the Diablo showed up. But that's just me. I couldn't stand new gear just staring back at me.

Agree, get something crazy cheap, anything and get them broken in.

That’s what drive me to the U-Turn turntable, burn the phono, cables while waiting

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Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I know some people view the break in time as kind of a PIA and something to get over with. For me it's kind of fun. Like breaking in a new guitar and hearing the transition take place over time. But that's just me.

I hear you and done that, but something to consider is you will hear and know how much better they will sound going up the ladder - that’s a fun ride as well

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Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I would have already been to the Goodwill store and bought a cheap used receiver or integrated and let them run 24/7 on the radio in a spare room until the Diablo showed up. But that's just me. I couldn't stand new gear just staring back at me.

Solved that problem...I threw a towel over each speaker so they coudn't stare at me!! :celebrate008_2:
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I have the Simaudio 340iX and absolutely love it. In fact, I enjoy it more than the 600i v2 that I owned. In fact, I sold the 600i because I found the 340 to be far more engaging, yet still warm. I currently have it paired with a 380D DSD with Mind2 running Roon and Aerial Acoustics 5T in my home office system. I find the set up to be intoxicating. I find myself listening to entire albums instead of the just the song I originally intended to play.

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Yes I have the i3.3 same as the 340i and love it and its burr brown on board dac. Nothing shrill and horrible just gets on with bouncing along with the music in a nicely paced way. I run a Meridian 200 transport into it and its a match made in heaven. Was a little worried my Audionote AZ-2 floor standers would present a problem ' but no they sound incredible... I understand the intoxicating comment...