NAIM SuperNait 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Feb 24, 2019
Southeast Iowa
...Anyone familiar with these or own one? Could you please comment on one or the other? Thank you.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

My Supernait2 is wonderful and used it with several speakers.Was superb with Harbeth, especially the 30.1 when I had them. I still own my Supernait2 but I’d love to get the Supernait3 which I’m hearing is a substantial increase in sound quality. Naim is known for having meat on the bone with wonderful pace, rhythm and timing - PRAT as it’s called.

Simaudio is wonderful too, not familiar with that model but I’ve heard and loved a lower end Simaudio integrated on B&W 805 speakers and that was great too.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Yes , had the supernait 2 recently for a while and used with Harbeth speakers . Nicely made , very powerful and lovely remote . It didn`t like me plugging in non naim stuff sometimes , i.e my sonos caused a hum . but i think if you use a naim streamer with it , it would be fine
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

A friend had the same issue, all he had to do was run everything from the same outlet. I use a Sonos and non Naim sources, never an issue.

My Conrad Johnson gear is extremely notorious for hum if not run on the same circuit.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Has anyone talked to a US dealer about preordering an SN3? If so, when could you get one?

i don’t know why I should care. My demo SN2 only just arrived. Switching to an SN3 will only cost me more money, a wait for it to break in and, as we used to say at lBM, exposure to leading edge windburn. Besides I’m not sure it would sound all that much better in my system at the lower volumes I listen at.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I’m curious too but trying not to think about it.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...


I would think that unless you are going to set up a second system somewhere the combo of the two Wooden pieces and the Duo's would be as good as it gets.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Hi Jack,

That’s absolutely true. I was thinking of using my SN2 downstairs in the playroom which is a finished basement. It’s pretty big and that’s where my Dad has his office and stereo set up. I need to work there myself and since the TVs died there, I’d like to have some music.

I’ll start with a spare pair of Klipsch speakers and might eventually add something more compatible. Probably a pair of bookshelf speakers like Harbeth 30.2.

I think what I was hearing and not crazy about on my Duo XD with the SN2 was because of my filter choice on my Bricasti dac. It was a little too sharp. I attributed it to the SN2 but I was wrong. Since changing filters on the Bricasti, all amps sound better on my Duo and I need to do the same with the SN2.
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Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I had a conversation last week with one of the Directors over at Naim’s head office in the UK. He mentioned the SN3 went into production a few weeks ago so I’m not expecting to see them before end of August at the absolute earliest.

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Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I had a conversation last week with one of the Directors over at Naim’s head office in the UK. He mentioned the SN3 went into production a few weeks ago so I’m not expecting to see them before end of August at the absolute earliest.

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Crap!! I read somewhere they would be released end of July. Oh well...what's another month?
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I have the Simaudio 340iX and absolutely love it. In fact, I enjoy it more than the 600i v2 that I owned. In fact, I sold the 600i because I found the 340 to be far more engaging, yet still warm. I currently have it paired with a 380D DSD with Mind2 running Roon and Aerial Acoustics 5T in my home office system. I find the set up to be intoxicating. I find myself listening to entire albums instead of the just the song I originally intended to play.

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Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Great news DeadHead.

Several years ago a friend and I went to demo some B&W speakers. For the stand mount and middle speakers they had a small Simaudio integrated hooked up, don’t remember model. After it warmed up, we were surprised how awesome the combos sounded.

Just goes to show that certain pieces transcend the rest of their lineup.

The following was shown to me after I assembled a SN2 system with Harbeth 30.1 speakers.

Absolutely awesome musical experience.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Great news DeadHead.

Several years ago a friend and I went to demo some B&W speakers. For the stand mount and middle speakers they had a small Simaudio integrated hooked up, don’t remember model. After it warmed up, we were surprised how awesome the combos sounded.

Just goes to show that certain pieces transcend the rest of their lineup.

The following was shown to me after I assembled a SN2 system with Harbeth 30.1 speakers.

Absolutely awesome musical experience.

Joe, I noticed you leave the grills off the Harbeths. Factory recommendations call for the grills to be left on during use. Do you prefer to have the grills off? Not doggin' you about it. Just asking for my own info since I'm the new owner of a pair of Harbeth Super HL 5+ 40th Anniversary speakers. I was planning on leaving the grills on. Maybe I should experiment? I see a lot of pics of them with the grills off.

Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I prefer the grills on for listening. Usually for photos, I like the look of the grills off.

You are correct that they are designed to be listened to with grills on. There’s about a + 1-1.5 dB difference in treble with grills off. Depending on your musical choices, you can tweak to your taste.

I would think especially with the Super HL5 (because of the super-tweeter), you’d mostly prefer the grills on.
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Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

I have the Simaudio 340iX and absolutely love it. In fact, I enjoy it more than the 600i v2 that I owned. In fact, I sold the 600i because I found the 340 to be far more engaging, yet still warm. I currently have it paired with a 380D DSD with Mind2 running Roon and Aerial Acoustics 5T in my home office system. I find the set up to be intoxicating. I find myself listening to entire albums instead of the just the song I originally intended to play.

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Ya know, DeadHead, I think I'm caught in that..."if a 340ix is great, then the 700i v2 must be even better"...mode of thinking. And that may not be necessarily true. I've had that mode of thinking with several brands. I need to break out of that thinking. To be honest the first thing that grabs my attention is power (wpc). Right or wrong, I want plenty of power for those transient peaks to keep distortion at bay.

Although 90% of my listening is to bluegrass music and acoustic instruments, I still occasionally like to crank the volume. And bluegrass music is "busy" music with "busy" instrumentation and vocals. That adds to the power requirements. I have a feeling that the 340ix would be more than adequate. But I still like "horsepower" and I want at least 80 wpc into 8 ohms. But I really like 125 wpc more and I like 175 wpc even more. Am I too hung up on power?

My max amp budget is around $12,500, give or take a thousand or so. I don't want to spend that much unless necessary. As important as power is to me, outstanding tone is the most important feature of all. I don't believe less power = better tone. I also don't believe more power necessarily = better tone. Power is important to me for distortion free transient peaks. That's all. Anyway, just my 2 cents.
NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Ya know, DeadHead, I think I'm caught in that..."if a 340ix is great, then the 700i v2 must be even better"...mode of thinking. And that may not be necessarily true. I've had that mode of thinking with several brands. I need to break out of that thinking. To be honest the first thing that grabs my attention is power (wpc). Right or wrong, I want plenty of power for those transient peaks to keep distortion at bay. Although 90% of my listening is to bluegrass music and acoustic instruments, I still occasionally like to crank the volume. And bluegrass music is "busy" music with "busy" instrumentation and vocals. I have a feeling that the 340ix would be more than adequate. But I still like "horsepower" and I at least want 80 wpc into 8 ohms. But I really like 125 wpc and I like 175 wpc even more. Am I too hung up on power?

Nope, but don’t go off manufacturer ratings either. Some way over inflate their ratings (Devialet), some way under rate their amps (NAIM, Sim, Luxman, etc)

Just look at the Luxman 590 (rated at 30 watts) and measured at close to 90 watts by Hi-Fi News in their lab.

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Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

What is sound character of NAIM electronics? Having never heard them in person.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

"[...Just look at the Luxman 590 (rated at 30 watts) and measured at close to 90 watts by Hi-Fi News in their lab...]"

Yep. I think I read somewhere that the Luxman 509x tests out around 170 or 190 watts (can't remember) into 8 ohms. And, my Harbeth Super HL 5+ 40th Anniversary model speakers are at 6 ohms which increases the power a little more.
Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

When you come down, I’m going to show you a real sleeper...


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Re: NAIM SuperNate 3 and Moon/Simaudio 340iX...

Naim has a meaty tone, a fullness that others lack. It has a wonderful PRAT (pace, rhythm and timing) that gets your toes tapping. Depending on model, maybe not ultimate resolution but a wonderfully musical presentation.

What is sound character of NAIM electronics? Having never heard them in person.