Mystery bass form somewhere...but where ?


New member
Apr 11, 2013
Seattle Area
Okay, so I have my new AT OC9/III cart ..and was used to it on my DIY table. Very sharp, detailed and bass was cool.

Now I have the new one on my new ClearAudio Concept and I have gained 2 notches of bass. The detail and mids still there just fine...whew..but where did this bass come from? Is it the table? did I get a funky cart ?

Example - The settings on my Marantz for bass and treble go in increments of 2. so 0 is flat. I normally would be at +4 for bass, sometimes +6 and +4 for treble.

Well..I am now at +4 for treble and 0 for bass..and its still bassy (just about right ) but wow...could the table have made that much of a difference ?

I don't think anyone can "solve" this but made me the rake angle right ? Table good? Cart okay ?

Things that make you go hmmmm
I noticed a large difference when going from a Rega P2 to a DIY table with the same arm, cart, and platter. It went from borderline bright to warm. Regardless, you should double check your cart and arm setup anyway.
I am thinking that the ClearAudio Concept is more "damped" than my DIY. I had experimented with that table (filled the entire table with clay)...It damped it alright...sucked the life from the table...made for a great debate on another site - Can you in fact overdamp a school is no, the table could be completely inert which sort of makes sense...and school two, tables have their own sound, etc...I

I am thinking the change is better damping in the Concept vs the table I built...