My PMC TB2i sigs in action...

Sweet Jax. Do you only listen to stuff, that sounds like Jack White had his hands in it? :P it too soon, to spill the beans?

I hope that someday Youtube will actually offer uncompressed audio so we can get a better idea of what people's systems sound like. For now, we are stuck with multiple generations of D/A conversions before it hits your computer. For example, below is a video I made 2 years ago of my system at the time playing a cut from Sonny Rollins on 2 track/15 ips tape. This was made with a hand-held Sony digital camera which of course converted my analog sound to digital. Then you upload it to Youtube and it gets converted to a compressed digital version.

The only parts of my system that remain the same from this video is the gear in the rack that holds my turntable and my tape deck. Everything else including the speakers has changed. Notice my size 13 hoofers hanging off the edge of my ottoman that came with my Big Daddy Pimp chair before I realized I was taping my hoofers. If you look closely at the VU meters on the Ampex 350s, you can get a sense of how much dynamic range was laid down when this album was originally recorded. It's a socks rotter in person, but no so much after Youtube finishes with it.

It sounds very nice Jax! SS sounds 3D..nice!
I really gotta start treating my room.

Happy listening!:d

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