Munich High-End 2022


New member
Jan 11, 2015
Since yesterday, the App for the upcoming Munich High End fair 2022 is available in the app stores;).

It's ideal to plan the visit in the various rooms at the show!
I decided to go at the last minute but Business Class fares were close to $10k when booking this late. I'll plan for next year.

I recently purchased Business Class tickets to Europe for late August and they were only half that.
First impressions - full coverage
That was a great show. Huge crowds. All the people I have spoken with were surprised how good it was.

3 days spent maskless in rooms full of ppl and got back home covid free* :)

* powered by Moderna x3
I spent a full 4 days at the show and really enjoyed it! It was great to see old and meet new friends and see and hear all the nice audio gear.

Despite the difficult conditions (bad electrical power quality, challenging room acoustics etc.), there were some presentations which I really enjoyed.

One of the best presentations came from Aries Cerat (the same speakers were already used at the Axpona show, so that they were for sure broken-in)! The system had slam, fast dynamics and a wonderful deep and wide soundstage. The open baffle tweeter was fatigueless with very good resolution.

Another top perfomance came from Dali with their completely new flagship speaker "KORE". The speaker had an absolutely natural presentation with a believable soundstage, crystal clear hights and a very good soundstaging and slam.

During the first day at the show, I also stopped by YG Acoustics. They were playing the passive Ascent with Burmester electronics. To be honest I was not impressed, but that immediately changed completely when I came back the day after when they used the active Vantage Live. Knowing about he difficult environment at the show (normally on Sunday the systems sound best), it did not come as a surprise for me.


Apart from these, there were lots of other good presentation that I enjoyed ... and some which were disapointing for whatever reason....
I spent a full 4 days at the show and really enjoyed it! It was great to see old and meet new friends and see and hear all the nice audio gear.

Despite the difficult conditions (bad electrical power quality, challenging room acoustics etc.), there were some presentations which I really enjoyed.

One of the best presentations came from Aries Cerat (the same speakers were already used at the Axpona show, so that they were for sure broken-in)! The system had slam, fast dynamics and a wonderful deep and wide soundstage. The open baffle tweeter was fatigueless with very good resolution.

Another top perfomance came from Dali with their completely new flagship speaker "KORE". The speaker had an absolutely natural presentation with a believable soundstage, crystal clear hights and a very good soundstaging and slam.

During the first day at the show, I also stopped by YG Acoustics. They were playing the passive Ascent with Burmester electronics. To be honest I was not impressed, but that immediately changed completely when I came back the day after when they used the active Vantage Live. Knowing about he difficult environment at the show (normally on Sunday the systems sound best), it did not come as a surprise for me.


Apart from these, there were lots of other good presentation that I enjoyed ... and some which were disapointing for whatever reason....

Thanks for your comments. Those Aries speakers are crazy looking, but sound quite good.

The Vantage Live is terrific. Best YG’s I ever heard (at Axpona). Active speakers for a sealed box sounded great.

Read lots of people who loved the MSB, dCS and Lampi DAC’s…..others not so much.

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Read lots of people who loved the MSB, dCS and Lampi DAC’s…..others not so much.

Indeed scanning through the Potpourri of comments it seems as to which Tall Poppy's head deemed worthwhile to be lopped off:rolleyes:!

Carry on Chaps
