In room, real-world measurements of my Harbeth 30.2s

Puma Cat

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2013
East Bay, CA
Got my new Dayton NIST-traceable calibration USB mic today from MiniDSP today. Only $89. Measurements are now easier as I don’t need to use the M-Audio mic preamp anymore, just plug in to a USB port and go.

With that, I decided to do some in-room measurements of my Harbeth 30.2 40th Anniv speakers using REW 5.20. The response were based on where I had previously set the controls my REL R-305 to integrate with my larger Dynaudio Contour S3.4s back in the day, so the sub has not been "optimized" for the 'Beth. I just plugged in the mic, attached the output cables and measured both the L and R channels from one of my reference listening positions (the quasi-nearfield equilateral triangle listening position). The mic was set at 90° (vertical) and the height was at my ear level. All measurments of positions of the speakers to the front wall, toe-in, and mic positions were measured using a laser tape measure. The 90° mic calibration file was used as the reference mic file. Target SPL was 74 dB, which is about as loud as I ever listen.

Shown here are the individual left and right Harbeth 30.2 frequency response plots in REW, using 1/3 octave smoothing. Red is the right channel, Green is the Left channel.

This plot depicts the L and R channels "averaged" in REW. Still using 1/3 octave smoothing.

Overall, not bad. I'll likely go back and tweak the settings on the sub a bit, but pretty pleased with how close this is out of the box, so to speak.

Overall, the 'Beths are pretty smooth across the board.
I also have the 40th Anny 30.2s in my summerhouse system. They’re always a pleasure to listen to.

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Got my new Dayton NIST-traceable calibration USB mic today from MiniDSP today. Only $89. Measurements are now easier as I don’t need to use the M-Audio mic preamp anymore, just plug in to a USB port and go.

With that, I decided to do some in-room measurements of my Harbeth 30.2 40th Anniv speakers using REW 5.20. The response were based on where I had previously set the controls my REL R-305 to integrate with my larger Dynaudio Contour S3.4s back in the day, so the sub has not been "optimized" for the 'Beth. I just plugged in the mic, attached the output cables and measured both the L and R channels from one of my reference listening positions (the quasi-nearfield equilateral triangle listening position). The mic was set at 90° (vertical) and the height was at my ear level. All measurments of positions of the speakers to the front wall, toe-in, and mic positions were measured using a laser tape measure. The 90° mic calibration file was used as the reference mic file. Target SPL was 74 dB, which is about as loud as I ever listen.

Shown here are the individual left and right Harbeth 30.2 frequency response plots in REW, using 1/3 octave smoothing. Red is the right channel, Green is the Left channel.

This plot depicts the L and R channels "averaged" in REW. Still using 1/3 octave smoothing.

Overall, not bad. I'll likely go back and tweak the settings on the sub a bit, but pretty pleased with how close this is out of the box, so to speak.

Overall, the 'Beths are pretty smooth across the board.

Doubt thats anywhere near accurate , drag those speaker outside and do a few GP measurement to compare curves ..!

Measurements must be the scientist and the inner audiophile needing some confirmation? :P

The Harbeth 30.2 are indeed very enjoyable speakers and I enjoy my pair daily as a music lover. Never once thought about measuring them.
Measurements must be the scientist and the inner audiophile needing some confirmation? :P

Nah, just a bit bored at home and wanted to tweak the settings on the REL sub to be optimal for the Beths. The sub was originally set up using a DOE for the big Dyns and I just wanted to tweak its settings for the 30.2s, as I had never done that since getting them in 2019.

The reason I couldn't do that was my 10 year-old M-Audio USB mic preamp I need to use with my old Dayton EMM-6 no longer works with Audio Midi; it simply doesn't recognize it on the current Mac OS. So, I couldn't do any proper setttings adjustment until I got the new NIST-traceable calibrated MiniDSP UMIK-1 USB-powered mic. It was inexpensive, only 89 bucks from Parts Express. No need for a mic preamp anymore.