HK's Latest Iteration

Holy smokes - you must be in "Nirvana" -- really looks "clean" too. Great job .

Best to all,

Great looking system. Those McIntosh must handle the Magico speakers brilliantly at any listening level.

I also have the SVS pro 1000s with my A3s. What do you have the SVS crossovers and volume set at? I have found that for my system I have them set at 53Hz and -10.
In the main system with Magico, I have them set at 53 and -16. In the den with Sonus Faber Maxima Amator, I have them set at 54 and -13. I love having the ability to change settings while listening with the I-phone App.
-16 makes sense. Your S5s can put out a great low frequency and a lower sub level on the SVSs round things out. As far as the SVS app. I wish there was a link subs option. So, when I change one - I change both. But, using the app instead of getting up and working the controls behind the subs is a great feature.