Greetings from Downunder - Adelaide Australia


New member
Mar 7, 2022
Adelaide, Australia
Greetings all from Adelaide in South Australia, where of course we are in winter while the northern hemisphere is entering summer. South Australia has some of Australia's premier wine regions if you are into that sort of stuff (as I am)! Trust you are all staying safe in this post-covid world of ours, we are all connected in that sense.

Near retirement now, but have been into audio since a teenager, making amplifiers, speakers, assembling turntables, all those sorts of things until early adult hood. Lots of different gear since then, now focussed on both analog (LP12/Ittok/DVxx2) and digital (Auralic Aries G2.1/Leo GX.1/Vega G2.1) front ends, Australian made ME amplifiers and Magnepan MG3.7i's. Still have an upgrade bug after all these years, getting some new amps later this year I hope.

Cheers to everyone
Welcome. I enjoy wine from South Australia. Its great value!

Do share more about the Australian made ME amplifiers.
Hi Malcolm and welcome!
Never visited Adelaide but on a hol in Australia in 2006 we met a great couple who lived there. Husband has sadly passed on but wife Dianne Ettridge is still there at 1 Westall Road in - ?? - Flinders Park area. We exchange annual news and Christmas cards.
So I envy your location as well as your systems. Still using a Linn LP12 and Ittok LVII here with Clearaudio Titanium V2 Cartridge. Magical through Boulder 508 phono amp and 1110/1160 amps.

Closest I got to building kit was assembling a couple of large Heathkit speakers back in 1969. So you're well ahead of me in that respect.

Enjoy your listening!

Thanks everyone for the kind words.

@kiwi_1282001 asked about ME amplifiers. They are Australian, but unfortunately not made any more. Peter Stein, the designer and builder, ceased production some years ago, although service is still available through a couple of sources. There are several models of both pre and power amps, the power amps tending to be very solid, high current devices, large capacitor banks, able to drive difficult loads and low impedances, that equalled a lot of other products out there. I have an ME850 power amp which reputedly you can weld with, 70A current capability. I had all small caps and a couple of other things replaced a few years ago and it is still singing pretty much. Nevertheless, I have a couple of a Pass Labs X260.8 monoblocks on order at present which will arrive later this year.
Cheers, Malcolm