Dynaudio Consequence and Arbiter


Active member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
I browse different sites that have Dynaudio related sub-forums because I have always been a fan. I never see anything about the Consequence speakers. I also never see any mention of the Arbiter Electronics by Dynaudio.

One of my all time favorite setups from when Soundex was still in business in Willow Grove PA, was the full Pre and Amps of the Arbiter line driving the Consequence speakers. I liked this setup more than Krell driving Grand Slams or Utopias.

Does anyone here have any of this Dynaudio Gear or have you ever heard a full setup with it?

I see they only ever released 30 pairs of the $240K Mono Blocks.
A friend of mine has the Consequence Limited Edition speakers. He drives them with Dan D'Agostino Progression monos and dCS Rossini. They are unusual, since they have inverted driver setup, with the tweeter at the bottom and bass at the top (which helps with time alignment). His previous speakers were the Dynaudio Evidence Temptation.


Suprisingly, the sound, even HF stuff, doesn't sound as if it was coming from the floor at all! The sound is typical dynaudio - smooth, organic, with great midrange weight and thunderous bass thanks to dual 12" woofers. They are extremely inefficient though - I believe German Stereo mag measured sth like 81dB. You need gobs of power to bring them alive.
Very difficult to get a proper balance and high sensitivity without Horns, it takes a lot of drivers to keep the sensitivity high , the efficiency goes away thou ...
I remember hearing the exact set-up you describe many years ago at an audio show. It was so many years ago, I don't remember which audio show. Naturally I don't remember much about the system other than thinking it was utterly unremarkable--a bit bass heavy and lacking in sparkle up top--not surprising since the tweeters are basically firing at your shins.