Documentary | The Invisible War

Take your time, watch it in your spare time, tonight, or tomorrow night perhaps, or early in the morning, with your spouse, or girlfriend. ...Or even in few days, next week, when you got time and feel like it.

BUT! Do watch it, because you owe to yourself to know some of the truth about the world next door to right where we live in. It helps to bring a much better perspective for the days when we feel most vulnerable and confused, and on the roles (jobs) some (many) people exercise in our beautiful America country, home of the brave and the free (from one ocean to the next).

It all starts in the heart of the man and the woman.... Without respect for them both, for ourselves and our brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers and daughters and sons, we simply mean nothing at all! ...If we do nothing, we are nothing, and might as well live in a world of false illusions, denials, lies, corruption, and deep deep hurt!

P.S. And I guarantee you that it will have a profound impact on you.
I wanna live in a better world, not just listen to sweet music, but also act as a mature adult and as a universal citizen of our planet the Earth.
I simply cannot tolerate the people masking the most horrific crimes of our past generations, present ones, and future ones.
And it should start right in our own backyards.
There are actions, that all of us, concerned and normal citizens of our country that we can take to improve these extremely sad situations, and nobody, and I mean nobody is going to foul the rest of us, just no way!

The people in power, and doing nothing are as worst as the predator rapists themselves! It is time to clean our ranks once and for all.

Music doesn't sound so sweet to my ears when my level of awareness has been shaken to the deepest core of the human foundations and values.

Please, watch this documentary; some good has to come out of it.
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Why am I not surprised.

You can't trust the government/armed services, you can't trust the police and you can't trust anyone in authority.

The machine just keeps itself going regardless of injustice and iniquities.

I admit it, I'm a true blue dyed in the wool cynic. . . and for good reason.
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You're the first to post here and state a short comment Gary.

When those ladies joined the marines they did not sign up for this!
And for the chiefs (people at the top) to ignore it and dismiss it is a disgrace for the entire country! ...These women, victims of rape by overpowering men and rapists, and at all levels of the organisation and government, were again raped and raped by being ignored from inadequate people from the highest ranks!

I want to see all people being accountable for their action and inaction.

I'm going to use all the tools at my disposition to stop all those crimes.
On the Internet there are several testimonies, and movements to expose the perpetrators and the people in power doing nothing! ...I'm just sharing a video here, a powerful one, and very troubling and outrageous that so many powerful men and women are just living their lives not doing anything and knowing that their brothers and sisters were and are victims forever of one of the most awful crime. ...It stays with the victims in ways that only raped victims know. And even worst is to not have the support and protection of the forces they joined in the first place. ...And all the other people with fake images and expertise in playing cards!

Gary, I assume you watched the entire documentary? ...Very important to do so as its construction and 'temoignages' from various people at all levels are well coordinated.
It is unbelievable what two women and one men in power were saying! ...People like that should not exercise the wrong rights! ...But that is exactly what they're paid to do; to let the crimes (rapes) continue just like it is a normal thing to do and that nobody can do anything about it! ...Talk to your congressman or congresswoman, right!
If you join the marines, or the army, or the air force; who's the boss?

=> Here's the thing: most people don't even want to know the truth, even less hear about it! We live in a capitalist world of selfishness and broken human values and blind dreams.
And one thing brings another, and you have a chain reaction all across the globe.

What is it worth for a man to gain prestige and power if in the process he's losing his soul?
...Absolutely nothing at all; to the contrary, it is the most horrific hypocrisy of them all!

I don't want this thread to be just a one-way opinion; I want a serious and intelligent discussion among few of us (the more the better), so that by our words we are beginning to change things for the better. ...It's just a start, but with starts comes bigger steps, and bigger steps from more people thirsty of justice (knowing the difference between right and wrong, and act accordingly) is what moves our world in the right direction; to expose, condemn, prosecute, and punish the ones who did the wrongs of the past, and for today's rights, and for the rights of our future generations.

We, the people, are the true government. ...Without us, there wouldn't be any democracy, there wouldn't be any elected officials. ...And those elected officials are representing us, our true values for equality, freedom, justice, and peace for all. ...And if they are not performing the duties that we pay them to perform, by electing them, then no laws should protect them to remain in power any longer.

Another thing that I know with absolute certainty; I alone cannot make my voice to be solidly heard, it's a team work, a majority of smart people taking measures, and putting those measures into concrete actions. ...Words of common accord, agreements, and positive actions. ...Investigations have to start, and no stones shall remain unturned, and not one case dismissed because of cover-ups or because of protecting the criminals who are in power.

We live in a 'right' world, or we're just zombies in a dead world! ...Choice is ours, not the zombies.
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