Devialet 170


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
I have a Devialet 170 in for a listen this week. Thank you to David Baskin of Design Audio Video for loaning me the Devialet to try.

Here are a couple of pics.

....a better camera is on its way .... But here is a couple of pics for now.


So what do you think ? I loved it at the TAVES and I heard you can purchase their display stand too which I think it would be a nice eye candy. :)

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So far? The sound from the digital inputs are excellent. I mean, really really excellent. The remote is a joy to use. However, it has seemingly "below average" power vs its rating. The 30 watt Accuphase seems to have much more juice. The analog inputs sound ok, but not as good as the digital inputs - especially the USB. I suspect the A-D-A conversion of the analog inputs is just not to my liking. The D-A is outstanding. I love the online configuration tool. Brilliant.

In the right environments with the right applications - this is a winner. Meaning, used in an environment where big amps and big separates are not an option or not desired - and used with its digital inputs - its a joy to listen to and use.

....more to follow.
Honestly Paul, it drives them fine. The 240 would be better yes, but the 170 is certainly sufficient. I just was referring to the perception of power. That Accuphase isn't 30 watts. IMO, it's at least double.

I listened to the Devialet 170 for most of the day. It's very very good - if you use the digital inputs. The USB especially is holographic. It's very musical and downright enjoyable to listen to and use.
I must tell you, the more I listen to this Devialet, the more I like it. It needs PLENTY of burn in hours (north of 500) and a little warm up time (20 minutes), but boy, does it sound good. I was testing its built in phonostage this morning and it was excellent. The Devialet's bass control is stellar.
I wonder how it compares to the Wadia Intution? Class D+ compared to Class D current with Class A voltage driven across it to sweeten the sound...

Devialet is the ex-Stenheim speaker guys. Cant recall if they are ex-ex-Goldmund or Nagra.
I wonder how it compares to the Wadia Intution? Class D+ compared to Class D current with Class A voltage driven across it to sweeten the sound...

Devialet is the ex-Stenheim speaker guys. Cant recall if they are ex-ex-Goldmund or Nagra.

Well, if anyone wants to send me one, I would be happy to compare! I will say this, I like the phonostage in the Devialet (I don't believe the Wadia has one).

If you like clean, crisp, SWEET sound, with perfectly controlled will like this little baby. Using the online configurator to tweak your unit for your setup is easy and so smart!

HiFi News said the Magico S5's should be paired with "D'Agostino, Constellation or Devialet". Hmmm....
This unit is a bit of a chameleon. If you try to use XLR to RCA adapters, don't expect much. In fact, I bet you won't like it. The AIR wireless playback is good - for wireless playback. The USB is outstanding. The phono stage is outstanding. The other digital inputs and analog inputs are good. But the meat and potatoes of this baby is in the USB and it's excellent phono stage.

I was unable to test the Ethernet connection, but Devialet notes that even the wifi is better.

I recommend the following connections - Ethernet (not wireless) to Computer, Computer USB to Devialet. Connecting my MacBook Pro to my network wirelessly, and then from the MBP to the Devialet via USB was a little choppy. Using Ethernet was a better way to go. The phono is a straight forward connection.

Describing its sound, I would say it definitely resembles Class AB with a certain degree of sweetness. Using USB and phono, there aren't any typical rough edges that we associate with Class-D.

If you like your music very clean and clear, with a hint of sweetness, and you plan to use USB and/or Phono, I think you will be very happy with the Devialet.
Mlke, nice tidy set-up :) I'm starting to hear some really great things about the Devialet out in the real world lately.
Kev - if you are using the USB and Phono section exclusively, I think someone would be very happy with the results. The other inputs - especially the analog in the A-D-A domain, are a little rough around the edges. The USB and Phono are just beautiful sounding. Black backgrounds. Holographic. Very nice.
Interesting observation: playing Fleetwood Mac rumors (original LP) through 1976 RIAA curves produced too much bass. When I switched to 1953 RIAA curve, the bass was perfect. More balanced. Better defined. Man, this little Devialet is cool! Configuration capabilities are terrific.
I too have been impressed with the 170. I'm using it with a pair of Magico S1 and I'm feeding it via usb from a linux based computer. They released a new firmware today that fixed some issues with the wifi streaming and the phono input. Here's a photo of my humble setup.


Mike, what USB cable are you using? I'm using an Audioquest Diamond with good results. I'm still trying to figure out what speaker cables I'm going to settle on.
Welcome to AS.

Wonderfully tidy looking set up you have there. Do you find the 170 has enough power for the Magico S1's? Some of my friends (who own Devialets) have commented that the power cord is very important and has far more sonic impact than the choice of speaker cables. YMMV.

Kiwi, thats not the first reference that I have come across concerning the Devialet & p/c's
Kiwi, thats not the first reference that I have come across concerning the Devialet & p/c's

Hmmm....I was using my TaraLabs PC. Never thought to swap out for the stock or something else. Will try that later.