Dedicated AV room


Active member
Nov 27, 2014
Step 1 - OLED on the wall.


Step 2 - Moving the Magico S3s. The old crate system is mind-boggling $&#%. Crossing the fingers S3s survive the move today. Movers are trying to figure out as I write this. I gave up last night and it’s in their hands now.

Mike, why aren’t you in CA again?
Step 2 - Moving the Magico S3s. The old crate system is mind-boggling $&#%. Crossing the fingers S3s survive the move today. Movers are trying to figure out as I write this. I gave up last night and it’s in their hands now.

Would looking at the unpacking instructions in the manual help? Follow the directions in reverse?
Would looking at the unpacking instructions in the manual help? Follow the directions in reverse?

I did. But it’s very difficult to screw from the speaker bottom to the crate. Each needs 4 screws and I got stuck after one in. Can’t find the others using my hands in that tiny space at the bottom where you can’t see. I do know the new crate for S3 mk2 is much better and you just roll in and out the speakers on wheels.

Edit: I just looked it up the manual again. Somehow I didn’t have the same foams, mine don’t look like the one in the pic. Hmm..oh well, too late.
Well, sounds like you got it worked out anyway. :-) Best of luck with the rest of your move.

Thanks for the suggestion. I realized I didn’t have the proper foams. It worked out okay, I haven’t set them up yet though. Maybe tomorrow.
Yes!!! Must feel great to have a dedicated room.

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Yeah, Mike. Old house was difficult to install dedicated lines too. I should be able to explore that here after things settle down a bit.
Hi Mike or Joe, would you mind moving this thread under appropriate forum? I just notice it’s under Magico again, which keeps happening whenever I use tapatalk on the phone.
Looking good! What is your seating arrangement in the room? Are you planning on any acoustic treatments?
Looking good! What is your seating arrangement in the room? Are you planning on any acoustic treatments?

That’s the plan. And a second 113v2 and/or omega ethernet. Also, A5’s but I’m not in a rush regarding speakers. These S3’s still sound marvelous to me.