DartZeel Phono Cartridge


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2017
Wesley Chapel, FL
I happened to see that DartZeel had started selling phono cartridges.

They have a $1,000,000 cartridge that was shown at Munich.
Did any of you happen to get to see or listen to it.

I'm not a vinyl owner but just curious.
it's around $50k including a phono stage.

i've spent the last 2 days here at T.H.E. Show in Costa Mesa listening to this cartridge, and it is very very good. and i own some very good other cartridges of my own, and own the Tonearm and turntable this was played on. this version of the darTZeel 'Founder' cartridge is a prototype and not the final version. they are using the internal phono of the dart preamp (which i also own).

not sure where the million number comes from. but it's wrong, wrong, wrong.

can't say it's worth $50k yet for sure, but it could be once i hear the final version with the new phono.
Crazy price!
Oh wait! It is still a prototype!
PTB might have been right…
it's around $50k including a phono stage.

i've spent the last 2 days here at T.H.E. Show in Costa Mesa listening to this cartridge, and it is very very good. and i own some very good other cartridges of my own, and own the Tonearm and turntable this was played on. this version of the darTZeel 'Founder' cartridge is a prototype and not the final version. they are using the internal phono of the dart preamp (which i also own).

not sure where the million number comes from. but it's wrong, wrong, wrong.

can't say it's worth $50k yet for sure, but it could be once i hear the final version with the new phono.

The 1 million dollars Swiss Francs price has come from his web site :P Are you getting two Mike? :D

NFS 00 | Cartridge Founders Series
LMAO, only the supreme audiofool would spend that kind of money !! But 'my oh my' can you just imagine those 'chocolatey mid-range' notes, not to mention those 'airy' highs !! :celebrate008_2:
I listened to the DartZeel cartridge in Munich. Hard to form an opinion as the speakers (Stenheims - not my favorite) and gear were new to my ears.
Lots of hedging. I bet that soon a golden eared reviewer will hear stuff ‘regular audiophile can’t’ and all of the sudden regular audiophiles will agree. That’s what high-end audio has become.
Lots of hedging. I bet that soon a golden eared reviewer will hear stuff ‘regular audiophile can’t’ and all of the sudden regular audiophiles will agree. That’s what high-end audio has become.

agreed........ and I forgot to mention, how about that 'bodacious bottom end' ! :exciting:
I heard it in Munich on Thursday with the big Steinheims and the system was not good. In fact, the overall system sounded so bad it was difficult to assess anything. I did not get back by there later in the weekend, but have friends that did (who were with me on the first day) absolutely loved it and had much better reports on the system. Rumored explanation was that the cartridge needed to break in, which is itself amazing to me (come to a show with a brand new piece of gear that you know needs to break in?!?!). I am a DartZeel owner and information I received was that the cartridge and phono pre were around $50,000 - not $1,000,000. There are various options which bump that number up or down. Herve is a vinyl guy, so I suspect it will be a very good cart/phono pre when finally released (I also suspect it will be priced accordingly).