Cary CAD 211 FE


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Does anyone have any experience with the CARY CAD 211 FE monos? I heard them briefly at RMAF. Curious if anyone has had more experience with them.


Mike....If I'm not mistaken,,,,,I think I heard them two weeks ago. I loved the sounds and looks as well. It was really warm and sounded excellent on Quad speakers and I bet I can listen to all day without the fatigue.

The price wasn't bad at all :)




That's them Paul! Thanks! What a unique combo of 300b's and 845's.

Do you recall how the bass was?
That's them Paul! Thanks! What a unique combo of 300b's and 845's.

Do you recall how the bass was?

The bass was surprisingly good it made me to ask the store owner twice. " Are you sure am I listening the Quad ??? Really Quad ?? " :)

P.S : 300 + 845 = EXTREMELY HOT. Are sure you need any more heat in your room ?? :D
Mike, the 300B is only the driver of the 845 here.

It will have no impact on the sound of the 845 itself. Just a way to drive the 845 a bit harder and get more power.

If you have kids, do not let them get close to the amps. The 845's are EXTREMELY HOT. The 300B too but those 845 could cause lots of damage to a kid or a cat.

But boy I love those amps. They must sound awesome and will make your S5's sing for sure. I would just add a Monbrison or a Masseto preamp and Voilà !
The heat is a big issue and obviously can't let anyone near the tubes. I'm still undecided on these one. I'm assuming then that the 4 845/300b and 4, 6 series tubes would produce much more heat than say 8 KT 88's and 8 6SN7's?
The bass was surprisingly good it made me to ask the store owner twice. " Are you sure am I listening the Quad ??? Really Quad ?? " :)

P.S : 300 + 845 = EXTREMELY HOT. Are sure you need any more heat in your room ?? :D

Paul - did you notice the room you heard them in becoming very hot?
I like the way you're thinking with these amps. Get something totally different from the VAC phi200's with their KT88's. Two totally different amps with their own flavor. The biggest thing I find with the 845's (and the 300b I'm sure) is that they're so big and bright that people are drawn to them. First you get the, "Oh man look at those cool tubes" and then you start to see the hand going towards them... Whenever I have people over I always have to tell them not to touch the tubes!

I'll try an experiment for you today Mike. I'll take the temperature of my room and then power up my amp for an hour an take another reading. I only have two 845's along with two 6V6's and 2 12AX7's so it won't put out as much heat as those Cary's. I'll let you know what happens.
Thanks Doug, I really appreciate that! My room is 15 x 25 with 8 foot ceilings. That being said, the one smart thing I did when I built that room was to put a separate thermostat and separate outside AC just for that room. That being said, the AC couldn't keep up with the big PASS XA160.5's, but it had no problem with the McIntosh 2301's or big ARC REF 250's and REF 10 going.

The Cary amps reportedly use 280 watts of power during normal operation. Not sure if this will tell us much.

Interesting enough, I found a place that makes tube cages (for the actual tubes). This won't help with heat, but it may protect them a bit.
Mike, the 300B is only the driver of the 845 here.

It will have no impact on the sound of the 845 itself. Just a way to drive the 845 a bit harder and get more power.

If you have kids, do not let them get close to the amps. The 845's are EXTREMELY HOT. The 300B too but those 845 could cause lots of damage to a kid or a cat.

But boy I love those amps. They must sound awesome and will make your S5's sing for sure. I would just add a Monbrison or a Masseto preamp and Voilà !

Yea, so the 300b has a huge effect on the amp and the 845s.