Cartridge Recommendation


New member
Dec 16, 2013
Davis, CA
I don't listen to a lot of vinyl, so I don't want to spend a lot of money (under $500) for a replacement. My turntable is a Technics SL 1200 MKII with a Shure m97xe cartridge. The two I'm considering are a Denon DL 103r or a Grado Reference Platinum1. Which of these would be a better match for the Technics? (If I can't sell my DALI EPicon Vokal center speaker, I might be trading it in for a new turntable, possibly a Regaplaner RP8.) Any other suggestions will be most welcome.

What are you using for a phono pre? There is a vast difference between the output levels of the two models you listed.
It's a Parasound Zphono--can accept m-c cartridges:

Gain at 1 kHz :
MM, 46dB; MC, 61 dB

Input Sensitivity at 1 kHz :
MM, 5 mV in for 1.1 V output
MC, .9 mV in for 1.1 V output

Input Impedance :
MM, 47 k Ω
MC, 100 Ω

Input overload:
MM, 200 mV; MC, 36 mV

That would be a bit of a stretch I would think on the gain with the Denon. Also that 100 ohm fixed load might be a bit on the low side. Also don't know enough about that version of the 103's compliance to know if it would work with the Rega and the Grado would most likely hum on the Rega. I would PM Jeff at AV Solutions and see what he thinks.
If you can find Wayne Garcia's of The Absolute Sound review of the Grado, it is dead on and he describes it way better than I can. My experience is that it is on the warm side and can get distorted on complex passages in classical music. If you listen to small ensembles, no problem. It can pick up a little bit of hum, depending on the turntable.
Your headpone stuff is WAY better than the rest of your system. Your challenge now is to get the rest of the system equalized in performance
Bachtoven.......If you can stretch your budget just a bit, I can highly recommend the Ortofon 2M Black moving magnet cartridge.

You might try contacting Jeff Whitlock at A/V Solutions for a very competitive price. A/V Solutions sells Clearaudio, AMG turntables and offers best analog audio.

Or you can go crazy like I did and purchased the Ortofon Windfeld

I would definitely check out the 2nd hand market. A shelter 501 mkIII (e.g.) might have u listening to a lot more vinyl.

If you want to stick with your current phono pre then MM's or MC's that fit the loading requirements of your fixed 100 ohms and 60 db gain is where you will end up unless you want to go to a HOMC like the DV. Some of the AT moving coils would fit if you want to look there. My favorite in that price range is the Denon Dl-301 MKII, but it needs to be loaded north of 300 ohms at least.
I would just take your phono preamp to your favorite local audio dealer(s) and audition whatever cartridges they have in your price range. Who knows, maybe if you arrange to come in during a weekday, they'll let you hear the cartridge on your table in the store.
If you can find an Ortofon Concorde Pro S then swap out the stylus with that of an Ortofon OM-40, I think that is the most sensible thing to do with a member of the 1200 family. I wouldn't spend too much on an MC cart for it as IMO 1200s are best with MM. I'm not looking down on 1200s in any way. I have two 1200 Mk2s and two 1210 M5Gs and use the latter regularly. I am however very cognisant of the platform's inherent limitations in particular self noise and that of the stock arm.

Happy Hunting!
I ended up ordering a VPI Scout 1.1 with an Ortofon 2m Black cartridge. It should be here in a week or so. I'll probably get a Musical Surroundings Nova II preamp.