Avalon fans?

Not sure Jeff. I hear from other dealers “not the company they used to be.”

Just don’t know…never really given them much thought myself.

May need an aesthetic makeover?? Heard them LOTS at shows. Can’t remember being blown away.

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Did you call Avalon and request to review the PM4 speakers or are you waiting for Avalon to contact you?

I contacted them through their website, which seems to be the preferred method of communication.

I contacted them through their website, which seems to be the preferred method of communication.


Thanks for the reply. How long has it been since you contacted them through their website?
Are you connected with Avalon in some way or offering to help arrange this?

I have zero affiliation with Avalon. You started this thread and posted a link to your article about Avalon. I read your article and didn't read where you submitted a request to Avalon to review their speakers so I'm just curious as to how this went down. From reading your link it appeared to me that you were making your request public in hopes that Avalon would respond vice contacting them directly.
Brand has fallen off the radar since the Eidolon Diamond 10+ years ago.

Used to have a great soundstage, speakers that needed to be out from the wall. Connection with Ayre that also is in transition.
Charlie Hansen of Ayre fame designed the original Ascent. I attended the CES where Jeff Rowland used them in his room. They created quite a buzz for their 6" thick front baffles and heroic cabinet bracing, unheard of in '90 for a speaker of that size. The bass loading was acoustic suspended not unlike YG or Magico of today. they needed lots of power from what I recall. It was a hot speaker at the time and on everyone's lips. they seemed to have fizzled out (in my mind) around the early 2000s
I recall Avalon speakers being showcased with Spectral electronics and MIT networked cabling (including some specifically matched for the Avalons) in a system marketed as 2C3D, short for a 2-Channel 3-Dimension listening room. The sound of that system was memorable with an eerily holographic soundstage.
I heard the Avalon Saga's at the HK hifi show in 2017 and 2018. They were the best sound of any system or speaker at the show.
Give me these over a Wilson Alexx or Magico M6 if you had the room for the speakers to breath.

Bass depth to die for, a coherence and ease of listening that was awesome. This was with a Project Signature 12 front end - It would only get better with a better source. build quality was to die for.
I have had several Avalon speakers over the years, starting with the Eidolon. I now have the Saga.

Some Avalon models were/are exceptional speakers, with an ability to disappear that allows for a fabulous soundstage, and a seamlessness between the different units that is rarely seen in boxed speakers.

This said, their strategy in the last years is difficult to understand and I also suppose that it is easier to sell speakers in aluminium or some exotic material than in more traditional MDF. As a result the number of agents is small and they seem to be in the process of becoming a niche brand, as others in the high end. Communication with Avalon can also be problematic.

But as XV-1 says the Saga is incredibly good. It has what I would call as a tonal density that can be addictive. Although being a big speaker they manage to disappear in the room and they are not particularly difficult to power. Their tweeter is probably the best I heard. They certainly deserve to be better known.