Audio Note UK’s Sonic Consistency


New member
Apr 19, 2013
<p><img class="story_image" src="" /></p> Although they looked the same, the Audio Note UK E/SPe HE 98dB-sensitive loudspeakers ($9300/pair plus $650 for the stands) were a larger version of what I heard at AXPONA Chicago. In a system that also included Audio Note UK’s CDT Three top-loading CD transport ($12,000), DAC3.1x / II Balanced ($10,000), and OTO SE Signature integrated amplifier ($5500, or $6300 with phono), a very warm and mellow midrange triumphed on Jane Monheit’s “More than You Will Ever Know” from the album, <i>Neverland</i>. A further listen to a cut from Hazmat Modine’s <i>Bahamut</i> convinced that this is a system for midrange lovers über alles. The alles, in this room at least, included copious lower-bass boom, a common factor in all the smaller rooms at the Hilton.
Note that this room also wins my quarterly Triumph Over Hotel Art Award. </p>
