Are you about ready to upgrade your iPhone or Android smartphone?

Too early to tell, and still getting used to it. On one hand it is the same, but still it's different. I'm getting used to not having a button to push to activate it, but swipe up instead.

Too bad Apple didn't equip it with an ultrasonic fingerprint scanner.
...Or under the screen or on the power button.

Face ID is from the sixties, with our turntables.

* Bart just mentioned the best and fastest way to turn it on; just pick it up (motion detection).

And you have a more secured/safe phone now, without a swollen battery.
just got the i-phone 13 pro (512) today, an upgrade to my trusty i-phone 7 with a fading battery.

the facial recognition seems to be an easy thing, i'm already getting used to the upswipe, not tried the camera yet. like the screen and when i boosted the print size the bigger better screen made a very positive difference. the 7 was hard to read without my glasses, this one seems much better. this difference alone for my 70 year old eyes is worth the upgrade. it's slightly larger and slightly heavier than my i-phone 7, but close enough that it's about the same to live with.

interfaces are slicker, but the changes are intuitive as you would expect with Apple so you can just do what you do and not any big surprises.

it is blazing fast, and i'm hoping the battery life is an advertised. i have the 20 watt charger coming. also got the Tech 21 Evo check 'Phone Protection' case. which protects the rear camera lenses and makes the 13 pro easy to pick up. thin but effective. without this case, those rear lenses would be a problem.

happy so far.

have to play with the camera some when i get time.
Correct, just swapping your SIM card from your old iPhone to the new is all you need.

* Charging the battery is good, charging the gas to the person who said that you needed a new SIM card is good too. :)

How do you like your new iPhone 13 mini Bud? Just too new yet to check all the cool features and the super fast processor and the quality of the cameras? You'll be flying high ...

no, you don't want to switch sim cards. apple tells you not to do that. you want to download your phone to the cloud, then upload into your phone keeping the new sim card. took about three minutes to switch phones and an hour for everything to load. but i could use the phone immediately.
Currently I'm using a Redmi Android phone, which I paid very cheap (around $150). I use it for many purposes e.g. my business mail, even to tune my guitar.
IMHO, Apple products are not a good bargain, very pricy.