Are there 6n silver cables available and does purity matter?


New member
Oct 31, 2019
The Netherlands
A general standpoint: the higher the purity of silver the better the sound.

A 3N cable does contain at least 99.9% silver, 4N 99.99% 5N 99.999% and 6N 99.9999%

There are sites claiming that 6N is best. However, when I look deeper in this material: I don’t see anyone offering that kind of purity, neither cable makers nor blacksmiths, and moreover: in my point of view: a certificate of analysis that quarentees the purity must be delivered with it. I only see that 5N at certain blacksmiths with COA is max.

Moreover: what I am wondering: the wire is not the only part of an audio cable (if it is shielded properly) , the signal needs to go through a connector and the solder that is used. Is a 5N cable really needed for best sound quality if the wire is not the weakest point?
My experience with solid silver based cables is they are very clear and articulate almost too dry for some systems.