A Leap of Faith, sort of, thanks to Paul Yoo - The MISHO MYRONOV TUBE WOODENAMP and PREAMP!


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Paul turned me onto the MISHO MYRONOV TUBE WOODENAMP for my Avantgarde Duo XD.


I bought both the preamp and amp from Misho in Bulgaria.

All I can say is wow.The combo is incredible. Dead silent, ZERO hum, wonderful vocals, huge 3D and big sound stage size.

So far, I dare say the best tube combo for my AG Duo and "only" 3.5 wpc.



Awesome Joe! Wood amps!

What tubes are those?

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I've got a woody!

Mike, you know how incredible the speakers sound, and you were oh so right. The Wooden combo just elevates my music listening sessions even more. I just can not believe how happy my system makes me. OMG! Awesome!
Joe went full on SET :) Happy for you, in audio nirvana.

Are the chassis all wood? Bulgaria is where Thrax is from. Interesting to see great gear pop up in undiscovered areas.
Joe went full on SET :) Happy for you, in audio nirvana.

Are the chassis all wood? Bulgaria is where Thrax is from. Interesting to see great gear pop up in undiscovered areas.

Yes, I think so because top and bottom are full wood and the insides seem like they are routed out of the middle as necessary. These are not the syrupy sweet SET of other typical gear but it's just over to the slightly warmer side of neutral.
They are simply breath taking. Amazing combo I ever heard. It’s stupid good. I’m still shaking my head. How does he do it ???!!!

I’m so glad you are loving them much as I do. Happy for you Joe.


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Thank you Sean. I wish you could hear them.


Thank you for pushing me over the edge. I know you and Mike were concerned about my love for Avantgarde but deep down, I think I knew what to expect. I just didn’t realize how much my expectations would be exceeded. Same goes for the Misho gear. Sure we knew several people making the switch but you and I could not have known how great the combo would be and once on our Avantgarde speakers, they are truly a revelation.
Have either of you tried different Pre-Amps with the Misho Amp?? Just wondering if one could save some dough and just use the Misho Amp with their current fave (Like GAT2) or is there compatibility issues. I know with some brands mixing and matching doesn't fare well. Any input greatly appreciated as always!

Yes, the amp matches superbly with other preamps and the preamp is absolutely outstanding on other amps. I received the amp first and started using it with the GAT2 and I was ecstatic. I have to be honest, I don’t know which preamp I prefer - the Misho Wooden preamp is that good. Here’s a quick photo I took when the combo was up and running when I first got it. After some warm up and break in, I sent Misho (Michael) an email telling him how happy I was with his gear.

Just remember, the Wooden combo are pretty much low gain pieces. The GAT2 specifically and Conrad Johnson in general are pretty high gain across the board.


I’m positive that with your preamps, Ref 10 and C900u, the Wooden amp would be awesome.
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I've got a woody!

Mike, you know how incredible the speakers sound, and you were oh so right. The Wooden combo just elevates my music listening sessions even more. I just can not believe how happy my system makes me. OMG! Awesome!

Does the wood in the amps and pre allow the electronics to resonate, like an instrument? If so, is that one of major differences?

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For the last 10 years I have been worried that I would have to come out of retirement and get a job due to a woman's spending habits. I couldn't foresee that Audiophile GREED would be my retirement undoing!! Misho whats your Paypal address and do I have to send this thing back to Bulgaria if something implodes down the road??? That's probably my biggest concern.
I’m sure Misho factored the resonance/insulation into the design. Whatever else he’s doing is absolutely working wonderfully.
wow! beautiful! there is a special place in audio heaven for handmade amps.

wonder how the 3.5wpc would be with my 97db speakers - unfortunately, probably not sensitive enough.

congratz on finding this wonderful piece of gear and glad the leap-of-faith worked out.
For the last 10 years I have been worried that I would have to come out of retirement and get a job due to a woman's spending habits. I couldn't foresee that Audiophile GREED would be my retirement undoing!! Misho whats your Paypal address and do I have to send this thing back to Bulgaria if something implodes down the road??? That's probably my biggest concern.


As far as repair goes, ultimately yes, a trip back to Bulgaria could be be necessary. However, I feel confident in knowing a few technicians either in Connecticut or Brooklyn (?) that maybe in concert with Misho would be able to fix any issues that come up. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a ton of money so I’ll do my best to deal with a repair should something happen.
wow! beautiful! there is a special place in audio heaven for handmade amps.

wonder how the 3.5wpc would be with my 97db speakers - unfortunately, probably not sensitive enough.

congratz on finding this wonderful piece of gear and glad the leap-of-faith worked out.

I’m sure your speakers could work fine. Misho was dying for me to get his gear going, even on my JBL 4367 or Klipsch speaker’s. I was using my Luxman MQ300 on my 4367 for a little while with 8 wpc and damn, thought that was great too.

He said go ahead, you might be surprised. I chickened out, sadly.
Trading punches with CJ, that’s awesome. I’m glad you are loving the new tube gear.

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Thank you Sean. I’ve always been one to go for lesser known companies and give them a shot. I’ve been highly rewarded with Job, Nord, Misho and others that I cannot remember right now. There’s a lot of superb talent out there and they need to be supported.