

Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Whatever happened to 3D? It was all the rage a few years ago, now I hear very little about it. I'm
still in the stone ages when it comes to
Video....but I was curious....

Is 4K the real deal or a fad too (with no content)?
Its really not a big deal...Think it needs a ways to go. Both my Panasonic Viera Tv and my Panasonic BluRay player are 3D. First, there aren't a lot of titles and second, you have to sit just a certain way (for me its on the floor ) to see it correctly..I prefer just the HD


Never been a fan of 3D. In fact my wife and I search out theaters to go to that are not 3D. Can't imagine it at home.

4k I believe will happen. It looks sooooo good. It might take 5 years like HD did but it's enough better and as bandwidth is available it will make it.
Mike, I can only relate to my own experience; so bare with me please. :)

3D is different, it's cool, and I prefer it at home than even at the IMAX 3D theater (I saw 'Gravity' in 3D last).
My Sammy 2K HDTV is a 60" class, and it's a plasma one with active 3D glasses (better than passive in my book).

I have over hundred Blu-ray 3D titles, but that's only roughly 3% of all my Blu-ray movie/music concerts collection.

Everyone has his own viewpoint (vision) regarding 3D (some love it, others just don't care for it).
It's similar to two-channel stereo and multichannel music if you like.

Only you can decide: Go see some at IMAX 3D theaters, go to audio/video stores and check them all (Panasonic active 3D, Sony active and passive, Samsung active, LG passive, ...).
The best ones (imo) are from Panasonic and Samsung (plasmas), active 3D. ...Check them out and be amazed, or unimpressed; only your own set of eyes can tell you that, not my eyes. :)


4K is still too new yet, but for me it's the real deal. Definitely that my next HDTV purchase will be an Ultra HDTV.
Again, go to Sony stores and check them out.
- The content is the biggest issue, but it'll come, just like anything else, and one thousand years from now people will reflect upon us and see how prehistoric we were. ...Holography 128K and Seven-Dimensional. :)
I'm going to add this: I'm not a gamer, never was never gamed of my entire life. But many younger people love 3D gaming, I think.

Also, for families with younger ones; Animation movies in 3D (Disney, PIXAR, Dreamworks, FOX, ...) are fun!
And for adults too! :)

* It is for those "fun" occasions (and more), and fun it is! ...Your level of 3D fun is yours and yours only, and it can vary at different times.
...Periods of 2D watching abound; and once in a while the 3D experience will add that extra sensory pleasure in your field of view; and for me it's a great bonus in the times we live on. And I know that I am 100% correct.

<<<>>> Eventually I will start a thread on 3D exclusively, from Blu-ray, of course. ...3D flicks, 3D animations, 3D music concerts, and 3D documentaries.
...So many good things I want to share, and so little time... ...The music, the motion pictures, ...
I think we have two different concepts going here.

I was under the impression Mike was talking 3d TV.

I LOVE IMAX theater 3D (giant screen 1 of a kind places). The "so called" IMAX theaters in your local theater are okay..just so so. But at home, I already expressed my opinion. Its just not there.

BTW..for the type of IMAX I said I love, there is one is Seattle that is worth the visit
IMAX At Pacific Science Center | IMAX Theaters/Shows | IMAX Theaters/Shows
All HDTVs today (above roughly $1,000) are both 3D and 2D anyway. ...And all Blu-ray players (above roughly $50) are all 3D Blu-ray players.

One hundred-foot screen (IMAX 3D), and 2K will reveal all the grain contained in films.
At home you'll have a much smoother picture (sharper), and perfect 3D for your own eyes (well calibrated).
That's my real life experience. And I'm a sucker for cinema and all that jazz.

Impact? ...Just sit down eight feet from your 100" screen display at home! ...Or five feet from your 65" one.


* Emile (-E-), what's your opinion on 3D?
I've never been to an IMAX 3D (I know, I know). I will....one day.
I'll give it a try from 5 ft...didn't think I had to be so close...maybe you opened a new world for me...LOL

Rob, just for experimentation: If your 3D HDTV plasma screen is 65" (or even 60" for that matter) in diagonal, sit 65" from it.
Then put a 3D Blu-ray movie like 'Avatar', or any Disney PIXAR 3D animation flick with a 1.78:1 or 1.85:1 screen size aspect ratio.
If you feel it's too revealing, back up a little bit, but not too much; stay within six feet (72") maximum from it.

With a passive 3D display (LCD LED) you cannot do that (sitting that close from the screen), you'll see onscreen horizontal lines, and you have half the plasma's active 3D vertical resolution, which gives you decreased vertical detail and decreased smoothness, more grainy look than active 3D.

<<<>>> For optimal 3D viewing performance all the important parameters should be set properly; contrast, brightness, color, tint, sharpness, gamma, cell light, the proper picture mode (with the less discoloration; most natural colors), and color tone.
All the other stuff (enhancement this and that) is mainly set to off, or zero.

Again, this is for 3D (and 2D as well) experimentation purpose.
But in real life, for regular videophiles (less perfectionist and exploratory ones), sitting six to seven feet from a 65" class HD display is a good effective and performing standard distance.


*** Click! Viewing Distance Calculator - Best Guide

I personally prefer above THX 36° viewing angle recommendation. ...Bob's own 40° field of view.
...For serious critical viewing, and full 'immersive' visual impact

*** Click! Viewing Distance Calculator - Best Guide

I personally prefer above the THX 36° viewing angle recommendation.
Bob's own 40° field of view:
- For a 65" class (diagonal) screen = 78" viewing distance (6.5 feet)
- For a 60" class (diagonal) screen = 72" viewing distance (6.0 feet)

...For serious critical viewing, and fully immersive/visual impact.

In case Rob (and few other people) missed it (from the previous page, post #10).
I never got into 3D. I did not invest any money into the technology. I don't believe it will stick (flash in the pan)on the other hand I do believe that 4K will stick and OLED will hopefully stick. These are next generation in my mind.
We have high-end audiophiles; for best high resolution music quality reproduction; in 2-channel stereo and in multichannel audio (expansive surround sound). ...Spaciousness, immersion, envelopment, three-dimensional.
And we have high-def videophiles; for best onscreen high definition moving pictures; in 2D and in 3D (multidimensional). ...Depth, added perception, more layers.

And we have all in between, even Mono and Black and White.

* Good point on OLED because plasma is dying, and LCD LED too, eventually.


And this: <<<>>> [Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation] http://www.soundandvision.com/content/its-laazzeer
I never got into 3D. I did not invest any money into the technology. I don't believe it will stick (flash in the pan)on the other hand I do believe that 4K will stick and OLED will hopefully stick. These are next generation in my mind.

3D has been here for circa 50 years, I think it will stick and get better. Some content does not benefit from 3D and can even look worse, as the picture darkens while other content is just Fantastic.
It is a Pita at home, charging glasses, syncing, making sure everyone else's glasses are working etc. But for the right movie, it's an incredible experiance. I am 10 feet back from an 80 in Flat-screen, in one of my rooms, and it works very well!
Didn't miss it my friend...going to try it out with Avatar (again) at the right distance...Prior, I think I was closer to 10-11 ft...:-)

Rob, you have a Panasonic plasma HDTV right? ...Is it a 60" class (diagonal)? ...If it is try six feet from it (for about ten minutes or so), then seven feet from it (eyes to flat panel), also for roughly ten minutes, and finally eight feet (max) from it.
Somewhere between six and eight you'll be happy, and it will be a very good experience. ...For both 2D and 3D. ...And happy as much will be your wife too.

* This is for 1080p resolution from Blu-rays. ...For regular TV watching (or DVDs) with lesser video resolution sitting eight feet from a 60" TV is ok.
...More than that might as well turn on the r.a.d.i.o and listening to the news.


KingRT, for Blu-rays try eight feet distance from your 80" screen (2D & 3D). ...Ten feet is ok for DVDs and regular TV.


>> Simply put: For serious (best viewing performance) high definition motion pictures watching aim between a 30 and 40° field of view (viewing angle).
Its a 65"...And when I bought it they included their 3D glasses (two pairs and a charger) and Avatar 3D BluRay...so I will try..:-)

KingRT, for Blu-rays try eight feet distance from your 80" screen (2D & 3D). ...Ten feet is ok for DVDs and regular TV.__________

I was quoting on memory, but I am between 8 and 9.5 feet, and the picture is amazing!
I pulled the close distance suggestions off a couple different sites, including THX recomendations. It's not like the old days where you need to be 20ft back.