I am using a Sigma NR v2 with my Integrated Amp, the T+A PA 3100 HV
PA 3100 HV Integrated amplifier
A friend told me I am doing this wrong, and should have gotten the XC instead, as the XC is more appropriate for high current power amplifiers. The key word here seems to be “high current”. I...
Any Esoteric owner has experimented with such? Footers you put under equipment, like Stillpoints or Finite Elemente, etc.
The built in footers on my N-01XD look substantial, but curiosity got a hold of me.
I recently got a P-05x transport to go with my N-01XD streaming DAC. Using the two stock ES-Link cables to hook them up together, two of them. They appear to be good quality cables, from van den Hul. The issue is the one that came with N-01xd is 1.5 Meter, and the one that came with P-05x is 2.0...
Anyone here is having any troubles with shipments from Shunyata? I ordered the new Alpha v2 XLR interconnects about 40 days ago, and my dealer is telling me it has not shipped to him yet from Shunyata
All prices, at least for DACs I have been looking at, were all there on the website. Including options, modules, upgrades, etc. I just noticed, no prices available on the website. Nothing. Why?
Can someone please how these bi-wire combos work? For example, for the bi-wire William Tell Zero + Bass combo, I would be buying two runs of cables, one Zero and one Bass? My speakers are bi-wire (obviously), and my Amp has dual A and B speaker outputs, so this should not be an issue. But still...
Since the MSB DACs (mine is the Discrete) have removable screw spike / feet, has anyone experimented with after market vibration isolation feet? Things like Stillpoints, Finite Elemente, etc.?
Granted, I only have two days with my new Discrete. I got both modules from dealer, with the understanding that I will eventually keep only one.
The regular USB Quad / MQA module, and the current v2 Renderer module.
I know the Renderer is supposed to sound better, as everyone (including the...
Proud new owner of the MSB Discrete DAC with dual Discrete power supplies! Sounds fabulous!
Question: have any of you upgraded the umbilical power cords that go from the Discrete PS to the DAC? The stock cables look crappy to me.