Does anyone have experience with Acoustic Systems International (ASI) Reference Liveline cables? How does it compares to the previous version?
I'm especially interested in the power cable. I love the tone of the previous version and my only complain is current limiting even on Dacs...
My MW Sony HAP-Z1ES with Bybee option is scheduled to arrive next Thurs. Got a SR Red fuse, TS NOS 5U4GB and 60's Siemens e88cc waiting for action.
I'm a big fan of Transformer coupling design so looking forward to hear Dan's implementation. From my past experience with MW, I probably won't...
I was made aware of the site by Dev. I see many familiar names and look forward to exchanging experiences from all the members.
My System consists of:
TAD Evolution Ones speakers
TRL Samson Mono Amps
PS Audio PWD MKII w/Bridge
Full loom ASI Liveline SCs and ICs
7 HiDiamond...