My Take on Magnepan Speakers


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2014
Here is my take on Magnepan speakers.

I have been through the exercise of comparing several models: 3A, 3.6R, 20.1, and 20.7. I have owned all of them.

Never owned the 3.7/3.7i but I listened to the 3.7 before deciding that it was not worth the upgrade from my 3.6R at the time.

First of all, let me say that these models share the EXACT SAME ribbon tweeter. You can switch the ribbon tweeter from one model to another with no problem!

The 20.1 and the 20.7 are the SAME size. The 20.7 uses a different tech for the mid-range (same tech as the x.7 and that’s where it gets the .7) but they have the same SIZE for everything height, width, midrange AND bass panel areas.

The 3.6R and the 20.7 have the same size mid-range panel but use different tech. The bass panels for the 20.7 are wider (that is why the 20.7 is wider and why it puts out more bass)

I have played the 3.6R and the 20.7 side by side. I was totally amazed at how good the 3.6R sounded. Depending on the music material, they both sounded so good that it was hard to tell them apart. The main difference was when playing bass-heavy tracks and that is where the 20.7 really sounded better.

Then I compared each using a sub. With a sub, the bass advantage of the 20.7 went away and the 3.6R got even closer on all music material.

I considered the 30.7, but never listened to them. Based on what I had read, I concluded that 30.7 had the exact same ribbon tweeter AND midrange as the 20.7. The only difference from what I could tell was the bigger bass panels (in a separate enclosure). So to me that was no different than the 20.7+ Sub which I already owned.

If I were in the market for a Magnepan speaker today, based on my experience, the latest iteration of the MG 3.7 plus a subwoofer should equal or better a 20.7 w/o subwoofer.

Here are my 3.6R and the 20.7. Even though the 20.7 is about 6-8 inches taller, the tweeters and midrange are the same size!

My brother upgraded to the 1.7i from the MMG. I absolutely love them.
My brother upgraded to the 1.7i from the MMG. I absolutely love them.

IMO, Magnepan offers one of the best bang for the buck in audio. They should be touted a lot more in high-end circles. If fed the right power, they can fight WELL above their division.
Thanks for your post. The 20.7 is my favorite Magnepan. I prefer it over the 30.7. It just sounds more coherent to my ears.

First of all, let me say that these models share the EXACT SAME ribbon tweeter. You can switch the ribbon tweeter from one model to another with no problem!
Nicoff, it should hardly be surprising that a manufacturer uses same drivers throughout lineups. Especially when they make said drivers! The latter being far rarer than believed.
Do you still own any Maggies? (Have MBLs in main sys IIRC?)


Do you still own any Maggies? (Have MBLs in main sys IIRC?)

Yes I still have the 3.6R. I am using them for surround in a multichannel/home theater set up. The MBLs are now the mains (Front/Left) in a multiple use room (stereo and multichannel/home theater).
If I were in the market for a Magnepan speaker today, based on my experience, the latest iteration of the MG 3.7 plus a subwoofer should equal or better a 20.7 w/o subwoofer.

agree completely , having owned and or listened myself over the past 35 plus years to all of them, I think you're 'spot on' !

last years gather @ Overture in Wilmington, De


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Thanks for the report. I have owned 5 pairs of Maggies. They are definitely a love/hate relationship kind of thing. They need a lot of power, but can’t play super loud. The sweet spot is the size of a pea. Move your head 2 inches and you lose the image. But that can be said about a lot of panel speakers.

The original Tympani’s are the best Magnepan speakers I’ve ever heard. Just glorious. The 30.7’s I heard were not impressive at all. Let’s just chalk it up to a terrible demo. The 20.7’s are superb. Really nice. I always liked REL subs with Magenpan.
In my family, we’ve owned 4 pairs of Maggies - 2.5R, 2.6, 3.7 and 20.7. My favorites have been the 20.7. Like Mike, I was not impressed at all with the 30.7 demo.
I wonder how the newest version, 30.7 for condos?, sounds. Looks like a slimmer version with dsp subs I think. They look more room friendly, but probably not wallet friendly.
In my family, we’ve owned 4 pairs of Maggies - 2.5R, 2.6, 3.7 and 20.7. My favorites have been the 20.7. Like Mike, I was not impressed at all with the 30.7 demo.

I love the 20.7’s. They are amazing speakers. I went to 30.7 demonstrations at two different stores and was disappointed. They provided more bass than the 20.7’s due to larger bass panels but lacked the 20.7’s cohesiveness of treble, midrange and bass. The 20.7’s sound more refined than the 30.7’s to my ears. If I was buying Magnepan, I would purchase the 20.7’s and not look back. Put that extra money towards some powerful amps.

I wonder how the newest version, 30.7 for condos?, sounds. Looks like a slimmer version with dsp subs I think. They look more room friendly, but probably not wallet friendly.

Joe, as shown in post #9, the big Maggies need a big room. I thought they sounded fine but with a dozen people 'milling about' it wasn't an ideal demo. Regardless, given the moderate size room that I have (14'6" x 24' 4") they would be too big thus my preference for the 3's with sub(s)
I would still take an ESL over a planer-magnetic myself. Must be a full ESL, not a hybrid. The KLH Model 9 (new version) looks interesting. I’ve been eyeing the 60th anniversary Quad’s (when they come out). I saw them in Munich. Have no idea where I would put them, but gotta have them (or a steal on a pair of 2912’s).
They need a lot of power, but can’t play super loud. The sweet spot is the size of a pea. Move your head 2 inches and you lose the image...

Exactly. They can’t play as loud as I would have liked to for certain kind of music without blowing a fuse or a ribbon! The next day after having a party, I had to check for blown fuses or ribbons. Unlike the other Maggies, the 20.7 usually blew a ribbon while the fuse remained unbroken! My previous Maggies would break the fuse only or both (fuse and ribbon), but never the ribbon alone. I could never figure out the purpose of the fuse in the 20.7; it seemed that the ribbon was the fuse!
That said, in the very narrow sweet spot and with the right music/volume they were truly awesome.
I would love to hear a Magnepan with a crossover mod like the one skiing Ninja did several years ago. Unfortunately, at Magnepan, they do not use high end parts in their crossovers. They build to a price point.

If I had the know how I would mod the XO's in my 1.6's.
Never been impressed with any of the 20 series Maggies , The 3 series is the sweet spot of the line and best with Subs , much better than going up to any of the 20 series panels ...

3.6/3.7 hard to beat at their price points ...
