Amedeo from Viva visits Suncoast Audio


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Amedeo from Viva is here today to bring my Classico 300b up to current spec. It was the prototype when I got it for the Florida Show and promised to make it current shortly after.



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I remember when Amadeo visited at a system I had set up in Birmingham, AL. around 2002-2003 - I don't remember all of it - know it had VIVA Auroras, Avantgarde TRIOs, Goldmund Reference TT. Amadeo is a great guy!
Interesting. 86dB sensitivity speakers driven by an 8 watt amp. Somebody better check on A.Wayne, he might have had a heart attack when he watched that video.

I thought of that. LOL. Amedeo said it’s not about the watts, its about the current and this little baby shocked us all. He said the big Viva Integrated (Solista) will drive a large number of speakers.

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The first time I heard Magico S1 and S5 speakers it was with Viva gear. It was unbelievably great. Despite being low power there didn’t seem to be any problems driving them. My friends and I were very impressed.